2022 NEAS Professional Development Schedule
Please see below for the list of professional development offerings in 2022. There is a culmination of offerings including webinars, workshops, face to face events and online material. There is something for everyone!
You may also view recordings of historic PD events such as webinars, workshops and masterclasses via NEAS Online.

Date / Time | Type (Online/F2F/ Catchup) | Title / Topic | Facilitator | Register / Access | |
9 February 15:00 AEDT | Webinar Online | ELT Professionals NEAS ELT Professionals are recognised as experts in English Language Teaching. To become an ELT Professional, you need to demonstrate professional integrity and commitment to professional development. This webinar will focus on the process and benefits of becoming a NEAS ELT Professional. | Rima Ibrahim | View recording | |
Anytime via NEAS Online | Webinar Online | Developing Resilience, Adaptability and Agility for Continued Rapid Change This webinar is ideal for ELICOS and VET managers and business owners seeking best practice in their teams for responding, reviving and thriving during change. NEAS shares experiences of managers throughout Australia, ASEAN, China and Middle East on dealing with rapid transformation in the international education and training environment. Participants will also be introduced to NEAS Community Endorsements for Education Agents, Products and Services Providers and ELT Professionals. | Dr Patrick Pheasant | Access | |
18 March 1pm to 3pm AEDT | 9am to 11am ICT | Workshop Online | NEAS Australia – Thailand Workshop As part of its strategy to engage further with ASEAN countries, NEAS is working closely with the Australian Embassy and Thai Ministries. This is a specialist workshop for business owners and teachers to: – Enhance further bilateral and educational links; – Share expertise in quality assurance, online delivery, and teacher training; and – Identify and promote new collaborative opportunities. The workshop will be centred around the sharing of teaching and learning innovations and quality assurance activities of High Schools, Vocational Colleges, Universities, and English Language Centres that are using English as a medium of instruction, who are either operating in Thailand, or interested in partnering with Thai organisations. | Dr Patrick Pheasant | View Recording | |
22 March 15:00 AEDT | Webinar Online | Transnational Delivery This interactive webinar explores the trends, opportunities and obstacles that have been identified in the delivery of ELT courses to offshore and online students. It also reflects on AREA Quality H: Online Delivery, the teaching, learning and assessment requirements for quality online delivery. | Rima Ibrahim | View Recording | |
5 April 15:00 AEDT | Webinar Online | Foundation Programs This webinar will focus on the NEAS Quality Area N: Foundation Programs. The purpose is to provide you with an insight into the quality requirements for Foundation Programs, to ensure the delivery, management and marketing of Foundation Programs is in accordance with legislative requirements, and the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework. | Rima Ibrahim | View Recording | |
Anytime via NEAS Online | Webinar Catchup | Using IELTS to Advance your Teaching Career Professional development is an integral part of a teacher’s career. Supporting teachers with their development is a fundamental aspect of the work that the IELTS partners undertake. Whether you are a new teacher to IELTS or one with years of experience under your belt, there are plenty of opportunities for development with IELTS. This presentation showcases the resources and opportunities that the IELTS partners have developed to guide teachers throughout their career. | Dr Patrick Pheasant | Access | |
Anytime via NEAS Online | Webinar Catchup | Developing Your Benchmarking Toolbox In this webinar, Dr Pheasant will share practices and tools in benchmarking ELICOS programs, that can pathway into tertiary courses in the VET and Higher Education sectors. | Dr Patrick Pheasant | Access | |
5-6 May 09:00-17:00 AEST | Conference F2F + Online | NEAS Australia Management Conference | – | ||
Anytime via NEAS Online | Webinar Catchup | English Language Teachers as Leaders This workshop is for school teachers from Language Institutes and universities and schools interested in professional development, continuous ongoing quality improvements and innovative teaching techniques for English language. | Dr Patrick Pheasant | Access | |
10 June 11:00-13:00 AEST | Workshop Online | Communities of Practice: School Preparation This COP is for ELT professionals who would like to develop their knowledge and practices in school preparation programs. It provides an overview of the key features of school preparation programs and provides participants with practical tasks to apply to their centres. Topics of discussion in this area include welfare and pastoral support for students and transitioning to receiving (mainstream) school education. NEAS endorses a number of high schools as Quality Centres. | Convenor: David Ferguson John Paul International College | View Recording | |
23 June 15:30 AEST | Webinar Online | Administration, Management and Staffing With the return of international students, ELT institutions are expected to face administrative and staffing pressure. This webinar is aligned to NEAS Quality Assurance Framework D: Administration, Management and Staffing, and provides you with the knowledge, tools, and strategies to improve transparency around organisational structures and functions. | Rima Ibrahim | View Recording | |
30 June 15:30 AEST | Webinar Online | Incorporating Future-ready Skills in Academic Curriculum Design This interactive workshop will explore innovative ways to incorporate 21st century skills into Academic curriculum design. | Rima Ibrahim | View Recording | |
Anytime via NEAS Online | Webinar Catchup | Quality Assurance 101 This webinar is for anyone who would like to learn more about NEAS and how its independent Quality Assurance services benefit the global ELT community. We will take you through the fundamentals of quality assurance and outline its significance in the current global landscape. The steps to applying for Quality Endorsement will be made clear along with the requirements for maintaining Endorsement through continuous improvement activities. Information about additional NEAS benefits, such as professional development opportunities as well as marketing and reputation building will also be provided. | Dr Patrick Pheasant | Access | |
1 July 15:30-17:00 ICT | Workshop Study Melbourne Hub, Ho Chi Minh City 4th Floor– CIRCO Building, 222 Dien Bien Phu, D.3 – Ho Chi Minh City | Quality Assurance in English Language Teaching and Embedding 21st Century Skills Dr Patrick Pheasant, will be travelling to Ho Chi Minh City to facilitate a FREE workshop for the Vietnamese ELT community! Drawing on benchmarking data and quality assurance experiences of more than 200 Australian and international ELT organisations from all sectors of international education, this presentation showcases how Australian ELICOS can be repurposed for Generation Alpha – our international students of the future. Exploration into standards, qualitative and quantitative benchmarking highlight how Australian and international providers are transforming their ELICOS programs through online delivery, transnational delivery and embedding 21st Century Skills and more into their programs. | Dr Patrick Pheasant | – | |
8 July 11:00-13:00 AET | Workshop Online | Communities of Practice: Arts Based Pedagogy This COP is for teaching professionals who would like to embed the arts and drama into their teaching repertoire. It introduces the benefits of alternative teaching methods in the ELT classroom and provides participants with a supportive structure to begin their journey into the world of the arts in ELT. Topics of discussion in this COP include the power of drama in teaching, reflective self-assessment and professional development opportunities in this space. | Convenor: Andrea Pugh Whites Hill College | View Recording | |
14 July 15:30 AEST | Webinar Online | The Student Experience Aligned to NEAS Quality Assurance Framework B: The Student Experience, this webinar provides you with the knowledge, tools, and strategies to provide students with a quality experience both inside and beyond the classroom during their enrolment. Attendees will be invited to share extra-curricular activities that have helped international ELICOS, VET and Higher Ed students integrate into their new life in Australia. | Rima Ibrahim | View Recording | |
21 July 15:30 AEST | Webinar Online | Resources and Facilities Is your centre equipped with the resources and facilities to promote a healthy learning environment? Join Rima Ibrahim to explore Quality Area C: Resources and Facilities and learn how to ensure your centre is providing quality facilities and learning resources. | Rima Ibrahim | View Recording | |
Anytime via NEAS Online | Webinar Catchup | Learner Autonomy Learner autonomy is an essential graduate attribute and feature of 21st century learning and teaching. Embedding strategies to encourage and build learner autonomy into our language classrooms are a key feature of this webinar. Participants are encouraged to share their best practices and strategies that work to build learner confidence and competence. This webinar aligns to NEAS Quality Areas A and B. | Dr Patrick Pheasant | Access | |
12 August 11:00-12:30 AEST | Workshop Online | Communities of Practice: ELT Qualifications This COP is for ELT professionals who would like to explore further study options and learn more about ELT qualifications. The course provides an overview of the key features of ELT qualifications and provides participants with practical tasks to guide their choices for further ELT studies. NEAS endorses a number of ELT Qualification providers across a variety of areas. | Convenor: Chris Sheehan International House | View Recording | |
18 August 16:00 AEST | Webinar Online | Industry Webinar Series: Cypher Learning Creating an adaptive learning experience using LMS Analytic Educators and Education institutions play a vital role in shaping and developing learners’ future-ready skills. We want to ensure that each learner acquires the competencies they need for their future job role. This is why it is also important that we tailor fit our teaching strategy and methodology to their learning needs. We must try and create an adaptive learning experience for our learners. This session will cover the core principles of adaptive learning, how LMS data and analytics can help teachers evaluate students’ performance and how to deliver a personalized learning experience for your students. | Jen Padernal | View Recording | |
25 August 15:30 AEST | Webinar Online | Industry Webinar Series: Learning Vault What are Micro-Credentials? In this session, we explore the global megatrends in education – Micro-credentials and Digital Badging. The session looks at how the rise in short courses are able to enhance learning and career opportunities through verifiable credentials. Nicholas will share the discoveries gained in this field over the last few years and how this new wave of thinking is creating truly meaningful outcomes for all students. | Nicholas Robert | View Recording | |
1 Sept 15:30 AEST | Webinar Online | ELT Products and Services This webinar is aligned to Quality Area K: Products and Services and will highlight the quality principles for the development of new products and services. | Rima Ibrahim | View recording | |
9 Sept 11:00-12:30 AEST | Workshop Online | Communities of Practice: Education Agents This COP provides ELT professionals with an overview of the role of education agents in student recruitment. Participants in this COP will learn the advantages of working with education agents in student recruitment and learn how to recognise and build strong relationships between schools, centres and education agents. Topics of discussion in this area include the agent/student lifecycle and best practices in working with education agents. NEAS Endorsed Education Agents are measured against Quality Area J of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework. | Convenor: Kate Kuzma USQ College | View recording | |
Anytime via NEAS Online | Webinar Catchup | Assessment Toolbox The fundamental purpose of assessment is to identify and understand the point that our students have reached in their learning. How do we feel confident that we are assessing our students in the best possible way? This webinar aligns to Quality Area A and aims to support teachers and managers by sharing tools and approaches in ELT assessment. The presenters will cover formative and summative assessment, types of assessment tasks and approaches, and the difference between moderation and validation. | Dr Patrick Pheasant | Access | |
Anytime via NEAS Online | Webinar Catchup | Welfare of Students Under 18 Years The welfare of students under 18 is crucially significant as they need to cope with being away from home as well as the pressure associated with teenagerhood. This course explores Quality Area F: Welfare of Students Aged Under 18 Years and provides you with the regulatory requirements to ensure your centre supports effective welfare arrangements for under 18-year-old students. | Rima Ibrahim | Access | |
27 Oct 16:00 AEDT | Webinar Online | Industry Webinar Series: iDAT Using Diagnostics to Guide Future Learning This workshop will demonstrate how an admissions test can be used to create an independent learning plan for students. To ensure success from the first day of class, we need to be prepared for students in order to guide their learning. The workshop will focus on how you can use your existing tests as a diagnostic tool and how you can modify and enhance admissions testings, as IDAT has done, to create profiles to support each student’s learning journey. | Heidi Reid | View recording | |
3 Nov 15:30 AEDT | Webinar Online | Industry Webinar Series: Pearson The Psychology of Learning Supported by the Global Scale of English Education is so much more than teaching words on a page. For teachers, it’s also about understanding effective and efficient ways to learn, and how to reduce negative emotions in our learners to help grow their confidence and realise their goals. In this webinar, Mike Mayor, Senior Director, English Learning Research and Design at Pearson, explores the psychology of language learning and shares ways in which English teachers can use the Global Scale of English resources to set learners up for success and build the confidence that will support them on their life-long learning journey. | Mike Mayor | Recording available soon | |
11 Nov 15:00 AEST | Symposium Level 14, 1 William Street, Brisbane | High School Communities of Practice Symposium Featuring three expert speakers and a panel discussion, this event will provide an overview of the key features of school preparation programs and provide participants with practical tasks to apply to their centres. Topics of discussion will also include welfare and pastoral support for students, and transitioning to receiving (mainstream) school education. | Convenor: Michael Bos | Allocation Exhausted | |
25 Nov 11:00-12:30 AEDT | Workshop Online | Communities of Practice: Leadership in ELT Leader or Manager: Tensions, Reflections, and Possible Selves In this session, the presenters discuss the nuances, tensions and opportunities for growth that come from being both ‘manager’ and ‘leader’. Distinctly different and both vitally important for efficient, effective and ethical organisations, the reality of inhabiting both roles can create tension, both internally as well as in practice with colleagues and staff. Taking inspiration from one of the great figures of ELT, Zoltan Dörnyei, this discussion encourages participants to reflect on their role and the ‘possible selves’ that they inhabit, or strive for, in the workplace. As the end of another exceptional year in ELT (and worldwide) comes to a close, this meeting of the Leadership in ELT COP provides an opportunity for an honest and affirming discussion around how to manage, and lead, well. | Convenor: Benjamin Carkargis University of Sydney | Click to register | |
8 Dec 15:30 AEDT | Webinar Online | Industry Webinar: E2 Keeping Ahead of the Curve: Engaging your Students Online Online learning has expanded learning opportunities to virtually anyone with an internet connection, but how do we ensure the individual learner is still at the heart of the class? Learn about the future direction of online learning and how your organisation can stay up to date with the rapidly changing online learning landscape. | Jill Hadfield | Click to register | |
23 Feb 23 15:30 AEDT | Webinar Online | Industry Webinar Series: PeopleCert TBA | TBA | Click to register | |
10 Feb 23 11:00-12:30 AEDT | Workshop Online | Communities of Practice: Research in Quality Assurance This COP is for ELT professionals who would like to learn more about research in ELT. This COP provides an overview of the benefits of engaging in research and provides participants with practical tasks to encourage and support engagement in research. Topics in this area include the continuum of research and the role of quality assurance. The NEAS Endorsed Master Practitioner badge is awarded to industry professionals who undertake an area of research of their own specialist interest. | Convenor: Associate Professor Thomas Roche Southern Cross University College | Click to register |