Quality Review – Staff Survey

NEAS is the external quality assurance agency that endorses ELT Centres. We will be conducting a Quality Review at your ELT Centre this year. The Quality Review includes discussions with management, and focus groups with students, teachers and professional staff.

So that we are better informed for the Quality Review, we ask all staff to complete a survey which closely follows the NEAS Quality Assurance (QA) Framework . The first question of this survey asks each staff member to indicate their role; namely “Teaching Staff”, “Professional Staff”, or “Manager”. This enables NEAS to group responses and follow up accordingly with the relevant focus group.

The survey contains xxx statements, which are based on the Quality Principles from the NEAS QA Framework. Please allow about 15 minutes to complete the survey. All questions require a response in order to move on to the next question.

You are asked to nominate whether you “Strongly Agree”, “Agree”, are “Undecided”, Disagree” or “Strongly Disagree” with survey questions. Please select “N/A”, if your role does not include that item or if you do not know the answer. There is the opportunity to make further comments at the end of the survey.

Please note that all surveys are completed anonymously and NEAS will not use the information except to assist the quality assurance process as outlined above. The ELT Centre management will receive a collated print-out of all the responses, but with no indication of who participated.

There is no limit to the number of participants in the survey and we encourage as many individuals as possible to participate.

We thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.