All 2024 Conference content is now available at NEAS Online

Mentoring Models for Academic Managers

Mentoring Models for Academic Managers

Date: Thursday, 09 May 2024

Time: 11:00 - 12:00

Room D

Presenter: Sandra Pitronaci

Presenter: Barbara Craig

This session will examine various mentoring models and their applicability in ELT settings, and discuss strategies for implementing effective peer mentoring programs for academic managers.
Peer mentoring will be discussed from both a theory and practice perspective, with insights shared from academic research and a small case study.

Participants will have the opportunity to discuss their own contexts and envisage how to apply peer mentoring, and share experiences and ideas with their fellow ELT managers.

The session is aimed at ELT academic managers of all levels, and may also apply to management of Student Services staff.




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