
NEAS Australia is directed by the NEAS Board.

The Board comprises an independent Chair, up to three member elected Directors and up to four Independent Directors.

The NEAS Board is responsible for policy review and development, the quality assurance framework, appeals against decisions of the ELT Endorsement Committee, and overall direction, reputation and viability of NEAS Australia.

Prof Tanya Buchanan

David Yoo

Hossein Davari

Dr James Langridge

Associate Prof Pamela Humphreys

David Riordan

Chloe Tanner

Office Staff

The day-to-day running of NEAS is the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer, supported by specialist staff

Adam Kilburn
Chief Executive Officer & Public Officer

Rima Ibrahim
Manager Quality and Professional Development

Silvia Loss
Manager Member Engagement

Quality Assessors

NEAS quality assurance services are performed by a team of highly experienced and respected Quality Assessors who work closely with the NEAS staff.

Denver Craig
Quality Assessor

Darren Brookes
Quality Assessor

David Hill
Quality Assessor

Oksana Razoumova
Quality Assessor

Lesley McNiven
Quality Assessor

Lesley McNiven
Quality Assessor

Lesley McNiven
Quality Assessor

Lesley McNiven
Quality Assessor

Lesley McNiven
Quality Assessor

Advisory Council

The NEAS Advisory Council is comprised of industry leaders from some of Australia’s leading English Language teaching institutions.

The Council will meet four to five times a year to discuss matters pertinent to the ELICOS sector in Australia, and to advise and make recommendations to the NEAS Board and CEO. 

Representation consists of private, public, small and large providers of standing.

Terms of Reference

Craig Shayer


Focus Language School

Ian Hewitt


Sharon Leslie

Southern Cross University College

Jane Roberts

Sarina Russo Institute

David Ferguson

John Paul College

Justin Foot

Albright Institute of Business and Language

Dr Ho Thi My Linh

Hoa Sen University

Wai Cheng Lau

ELC (English Language Company) Malaysia