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Cara Dinneen

Cara Dinneen

Associate Director, Macquarie University College

Macquarie University College is a NEAS Quality Endorsed Centre.


Cara Dinneen is the Associate Director, Learning and Teaching at Macquarie University English Language Centre. Cara holds a Master of TESOL, Graduate Certificate in Business Educational Leadership, Trinity Diploma of TESOL, BA Communications and is currently completing a qualification in Digital Learning Leadership. Cara has 20 years’ experience in English language teaching, teacher training and leadership, having taught and managed programs in Australia, Oman and Spain. She is a fluent Spanish speaker.
Throughout her career, Cara has designed and managed teacher development programs for large, multi-cultural teaching departments of up to 65 staff. Cara has a strong background in teaching methodology and a creative, participant-focused approach to lesson design and teacher development.
Cara also has a keen interest in learning and assessment design. She is currently the Head Convenor for the English Australia Assessment Special Interest Group, and her current area of research is digital learning and assessment.

Contact Cara Dinneen


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