Michael Bos
Director of International, The Moreton Bay Colleges
The Moreton Bay Colleges is a NEAS Quality Endorsed Centre.
Panel 3: Wellbeing and Mental Health
Friday, Panel: 14:55:00 - 15:30:00
As the foundation director, Michael has overseen the planning, registration, commencement and ongoing operations of the international programmes for both Moreton Bay Boys’ College and Moreton Bay College since 2019.
Michael has worked in the International Education industry for more than 20 years. He has held teaching and leadership roles in Australia and overseas in private ELICOS colleges, TAFE, university and schools. He is a NEAS Master Practitioner and has achieved the Gold Standard NEAS Premium Product Endorsement.
Michael sits on the National ELICOS Accreditation Scheme Advisory Council. He enjoys sharing his passion for and insights into international education and is a regular conference presenter.
Contact Michael Bos
Email: bosm@mbc.qld.edu.au