
How English schools can avoid going under during COVID-19 by Jarrad Merlo from E2Language

In this important LinkedIn article, Jarrad Merlo, co-founder and director of teaching and learning at E2Language, explains why quick-fixes such as screensharing documents using Zoom won’t hold for very long and may jeopardize your school, especially if COVID lockdowns extend beyond a month. Along with some useful online teaching tips, he urges schools to move sooner rather than later to a proper long term online solution and recommends E2Language’s new white-label platform called E2Classroom, which he describes as a purpose-built “digital language school in a box”. 

E2Language has extensive experience in online delivery and language platform development. Not only are they are NEAS’ first and only quality assured online English school but they are trusted by some of the world’s most prestigious language teaching and testing organisations.

They have been teaching English online for the past six years from their proprietary platform where in the last 12 months alone they have conducted over 8,000 Zoom tutorials, 2,500 Zoom group classes and assessed around 20,000 speaking and writing submissions – all online. It’s certainly worth the read and getting in contact with them whether you are an ELICOS school or a university pathway provider.

Jarrad will be running weekly Zoom meetings throughout April on Wednesdays at 6pm Melbourne / Sydney time to help schools shift to fully digital language learning. Register now by clicking this link: