2024 NEAS Communities of Practice: School Preparation

2024 NEAS Communities of Practice: School Preparation

DATE: Friday 26 July 2024
TIME: 14:30-17:00 AEST
LOCATION: Level 14, Room 14.14, 1 William Street, Brisbane

Event Theme: Language, Learning, Leadership: Empowering Young ESL Students for Success.

The theme encapsulates the diverse journey of young ESL students towards academic achievement and cultural integration. It invites presenters to explore various aspects of the HSP & PSP student experience. Discussions may include adapting to regulatory changes, engaging with onshore families, and recognising the importance of homestay experiences in fostering cultural awareness. Additionally, it highlights the significance of enhancing academic skills through multidisciplinary approaches and acknowledges the significance of developing students’ language skills and leadership qualities in helping and guiding young ESL students.

This event is worth 10 CPD points.


2:30-2:45 pmRegistrations and Welcome
2:45 –3:05 pm
Presenter: Heidi Reid, Chief Executive Officer
IDAT: International Diagnostic & Admissions Test

Abstract: Assessing More than Academics
This demonstration and short workshop will look at how to better use your admissions processes and assessments to know more than just ESL needs.  We know that younger students need more support than just language.  So, why are admissions processes and assessments often only about academic abilities?  What information can you gather before they arrive onshore to better support the student journey to success in your school?
3:05- 3:35 pmPresenters:
Jo Kwai, Deputy Director
John Paul International College

Vanessa Newbery, Head of International Programs
Hills International College

Abstract:  Multi-Faceted Approach to Enhance the Student Experience
Students are all individuals, and we all customise their experiences to suit their needs. Similarly, each HSP provider is unique, and our approaches to student support, wellbeing and success will vary. In this session, two HSP providers, one small and the other large share how they enhance their students’ experiences through multi-faceted approaches.
3:35- 4:00 pmPresenter: Jake Sullivan, Key Account Manager-Institutions, International Health
Allianz Partners Australia

Abstract: The Role of High-Quality Healthcare in Academic Success
This session will explore how high-quality healthcare can assist in student success. Comprehensive health services can support academic achievement, enhance well-being, and create a thriving environment for diverse learners.
4:00-4:10 pmBreak
4:10- 5:00 pmWorkshop: Collaborative Strategies for Success
Facilitator: Andrea Pugh, Director of Studies International
EQI schools.

In this workshop, participants will collaborate to develop innovative strategies for empowering ESL students. Through group activities and discussions, we’ll explore ways to enhance cultural awareness, academic skills, and leadership qualities, ensuring a supportive and enriching environment for all students.

Event Registration Fees:

  • Members:
    • Event Fee: $69+GST
  • Non-Members:
    • Event Fee: $344+GST

NEAS Associate Membership: If you are not employed by a NEAS-endorsed ELT centre, you may consider becoming a NEAS Associate Member to unlock exclusive benefits, which include year-round access to professional development at a discounted membership rate. Elevate your ELT experience by registering for NEAS Associate Membership here.

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