2024 NEAS Professional Development Schedule

2024 NEAS Professional Development Schedule

Please see below for the list of professional development offerings in 2024. There is a culmination of offerings including webinars, workshops, face to face events and online material. There is something for everyone!

You may also view recordings of historic PD events such as webinars, workshops and masterclasses via NEAS Online.

Catch up)
Date / TimeTitle / TopicFacilitatorRegister / Access
Workshop F2F Gold Coast30 Jan 2024 15:000- 17:00 GCCommunities of Practice: Leadership in ELT

This COP event will explore the theme “Elevate & Collaborate: Nurturing Growth through Teacher Training and Collegiality in ELT“, with a special focus on NEAS requirements for teacher qualifications and tips on assessing teacher qualifications.
This theme resonates with the current landscape of English Language Teaching (ELT), which is witnessing an influx of new teachers with limited in-class experience. It is imperative to elevate teacher-training in order to maintain quality delivery of ELT. The theme of this COP will explore effective teacher-training strategies. “Elevate” underscores the need to equip new teachers with skills and insights to navigate diverse classrooms effectively. “Collaborate” acknowledges the importance of fostering a collegial work environment where collaboration can thrive, providing essential support mechanisms and shared expertise.  

Rima Ibrahim
Past Event
Workshop F2F Sydney
Haymarket HQ
22 Mar 2024 15:00-18:00 SYDCommunities of Practice: Homestay
This COP is for homestay service providers, NEAS Centres, and industry stakeholders. The purpose of this COP is to support homestay service providers while fostering a secure platform for collaboration. Participants share best practices, address common issues, and engage in professional development opportunities, enhancing the overall quality of homestay experiences for international students. This event will include presentations and a panel discussion session from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm and a networking event from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
Daniel YuenNEAS AustraliaPast Event
9 &10 May 2024 SYDNEAS Australia Management ConferencePast Event
Webinar Online16 May 2024 15:30-16:30Unlocking the Wild Wisdom of Nature: Lessons for Managers from the Animal Kingdom

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, managers are constantly seeking innovative approaches to lead, adapt, and thrive. While conventional wisdom has its place, the natural world offers a wealth of extraordinary insights that can transform the way managers approach leadership, problem-solving, and decision-making.
From the unwavering memory of elephants to the multi-faceted vision of dragonfly eyes, and the precise decision-making of jumping spiders, the presentation will delve into the exceptional wisdom of the animal kingdom. Learn how to harness the agility of squirrel planning and the strength of wolves’ pack mentality to excel in the corporate wilderness.
Whether you are a seasoned manager or an emerging leader, “Unlocking the Wild Wisdom of Nature” promises to revolutionise your management approach and help you adapt, survive, and thrive in your career.
Dr Snezhana Chernova
TAFE Queensland
Webinar Online4 July 2024
Essential Coverage:
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) and Homestay Protection

Join us for an essential presentation exploring how OSHC enables student success and the crucial role of liability insurance for both homestay hosts and students. 
Kevin Schefe
National Sales Manager, Institutions, International Health, Allianz Partners
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is more than just a tick in the box for a student to arrive in Australia, OSHC can be an enabler to assisting in student success. From lowering the cost of access to GP’s, improving mental health, or finding their way home safely, Allianz Care Australia’s OSHC secures students futures.
Vanessa Collins
Professional Risks and Affinity Manager, Edgewise Insurance Brokers
The homestay environment includes some unique liability exposures that are not generally covered by standard home and contents insurance policies. Homestay Host/Student liability insurance is a specialty product. Vanessa will discuss what liability insurance is and why it is needed for the homestay environment.
Kevin Schefe & Vanessa Collins Webinar Recording
26 July 2024
14:30-17:00 BNE
Communities of Practice: School Preparation

Theme: Language, Learning, Leadership: Empowering Young ESL Students for Success.
The theme encapsulates the diverse journey of young ESL students towards academic achievement and cultural integration. It invites presenters to explore various aspects of the HSP & PSP student experience. Discussions may include adapting to regulatory changes, engaging with onshore families, and recognising the importance of homestay experiences in fostering cultural awareness. It also highlights the significance of enhancing academic skills through multidisciplinary approaches and acknowledges the significance of developing students ’language skills and leadership qualities in helping and guiding young ESL students.
Convenor: David Ferguson
Webinar Online15 August 2024
The TOEFL iBT®, the world’s most respected English proficiency test, has rebranded to meet the needs of modern learners and institutions. This new identity highlights TOEFL’s commitment to innovation, authenticity and global citizenship, offering resources to support academic and professional success. Join us to learn more about how TOEFL provides equitable ways to measure proficiency while empowering people and institutions around the globe to turn aspirations into reality.

Presenter: Omar Chihane
As GM of TOEFL, Omar drives the strategic growth of TOEFL iBT, leveraging his global experience as a tech entrepreneur and executive. Prior to joining ETS in 2024, he founded englease, an English teaching startup. Omar holds an MBA from London Business School and mentors tech startups with Antler.
4 Oct 2024 14:30-17:00 ADLCommunities of Practice: Arts Based Pedagogy in ELT
This COP is for teaching professionals who would like to embed the arts and drama into their teaching repertoire. It introduces the benefits of alternative teaching methods in the ELT classroom and provides participants with a supportive structure to begin their journey into the world of the arts in ELT. Topics of discussion in this COP include the power of drama in teaching, reflective self-assessment and professional development opportunities.
Convenor: Andrea Pugh
Workshop Online 4
15:00-17:00 SYD
11:00-13:00 IND
Indonesia Workshop Series

Theme: English for Healthcare Professionals
The Indonesia Workshop Series is an initiative of NEAS Australia designed to address the English language needs of nurses and healthcare professionals in Indonesia.
This workshop series aims to deepen industry links between Australia and Indonesia as well as enhance English language proficiency and communication skills for Indonesian healthcare professionals. Ultimately, this workshop series aims to help improve patient care, facilitate international collaborations, and promote professional development within the Indonesian healthcare sector.

TBARegistration not yet open
Webinar F2FMelbourne29
Nov 2024 14:30-17:00 MEL
Communities of Practice: Leadership in ELT
This is for ELT professionals who would like to develop leadership knowledge and skills. This COP applies a number of fundamental leadership theories and provides participants with practical tasks and techniques to apply to their professional context. Topics of discussion in this area include leadership styles and team management, team development and self-management. All NEAS Endorsed ELT Professionals have demonstrated Leadership in ELT and are the aspirational individuals in the ELT community.

Webinar Online12 December 2024 15:30-16:30TBA