Quality Products & Services Listing
After payment you will have 90 days to fulfil the application requirements. Following this you may display your badge of endorsement here.
Endorsed Products and Services are assessed against Quality Area K of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework.
Homestay service providers are measured against Quality Area O of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework.
Complete the application form below and a tax invoice will be emailed to you.
Endorsed Products and Services are featured on the NEAS Products & Services webpage, receive the Endorsed Product & Service badge and become part of the NEAS quality ELT community.
Organisations that have Products or Services that have been endorsed are listed with the Endorsed Product/Service logo. Grey shaded logos indicate that the organisation is a listing only.

Further Endorsement Benefits
- Increase the quality and reputation of your product or service with an independent external quality review
- Showcase why your product or service deserves to be recognised for its quality
- Access professional development for your staff
- Access NEAS member rates for the NEAS Management Conference
- Representation on the NEAS website, which receives up to 750 visits a day
- Receive an exclusive advertisement opportunity to NEAS News subscribers
Online Application
- What is endorsement?
Endorsement is guided by the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework. Organisations that are listed must eventually achieve endorsement to maintain their listing.
- How much does endorsement cost?
$2,700 per annum + GST