Quality Review – Self-Assessment
The NEAS Self-Assessment process is designed to support members in assessing the quality of their operations against the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework. The Self-Assessment process incorporates a review of current practice along with planning for continuous improvement.
Who should be involved?
It is recommended that various members of staff be involved in the process to access a range of expertise within the organisation.
How much time should be allocated?
It is expected that the Self-Assessment process would take at least three hours to complete.
How to begin
You will need to first identify areas of significance to your Centre. For example: Areas for improvement (recommended), areas of strength, areas significant to the organisation.
How to identify areas of significance
Review your Centre’s most recent NEAS Quality Review report, internal review and evaluation observations, feedback from students or other stakeholders, the Centre’s strategic plan and/or external factors such as industry intelligence or current media issues. We would also recommend completing one or more of the NEAS Health Checks.
How many principles should be assessed?
We recommend assessing between 3 and 7 principles. Click ‘Submit another Self Assessment form’ on the thank you page to assess additional principles.
Once the Self-Assessment has been completed, the submission is reviewed by NEAS, and a copy is retained on the Centre’s file for follow-up at the next Quality Review activity.