All 2024 Conference content is now available at NEAS Online

May Barbree

May Barbree

Academic Manager,Learning and Teaching in the School of English and University Pathways, RMIT Vietnam

RMIT Vietnam is a NEAS Quality Endorsed Centre.


Change Management: Leading Transformation of Teacher Observations

Thursday, Session 1: 10:00:00 - 11:00:00


May Barbree is the Academic Manager, Learning & Teaching in the School of English & University Pathways, RMIT University Vietnam. She has a degree in Education and is Cambridge DELTA qualified. In the ELT industry for over 10 years, she has worked in teaching and management in universities in four countries and as a Teacher Trainer for several language teaching organisations.

This session is entitled Leading Educational Transformation and will focus on the Role of Visionary Leadership in Educational Transformation, Strategies for Communicating and a Compelling Vision for Change.

Contact May Barbree

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