Congratulations to the International Diagnostic and Admissions Test (IDAT) on achieving NEAS Endorsement as a Quality Product / Service. The NEAS Quality Assessor has reviewed IDAT using Quality Area K of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework. The Quality Principles of Area K focus on these features of the target Product / Service: its underlying research; its fulfilment of purpose; its processes for maintaining quality; its uniqueness and innovation; and its contribution to the ELT community. More information on Area K can be referenced here: https://neas.org.au/resources/neas-quality-framework/#area-k.
Drawing on extensive research, the IDAT Team developed a diagnostic tool to discern the range of information that the school sector needed when considering the enrolment of a prospective new student. Alongside assessing the English language level of the pupil, IDAT measures additional knowledge areas, as well as the general character and independence of the young learner. The developers have extensive and current experience in both the English language field and education generally, and have demonstrated a keen understanding of the scale of movement that students experience as they move between countries and language of instruction. The test provides diagnostic details to assist schools in making informed decisions regarding entry and the support required upon enrolment. Particularly impressive was the test’s focus on the whole child, and its intention to provide important and accessible information to schools that go beyond language skills. Also commendable was the engagement with schools that occurs through professional development days initiated by the IDAT Team; these activities involve the sharing of knowledge from experienced professionals to enhance the student experience.