Quality ELT Professional Listing
ELT Professionals listed on the NEAS website must demonstrate their commitment to professional development and their association to the English Language Teaching industry.
You will need to provide some information to be listed as an ELT Professional. This includes submitting a link to your LinkedIn profile and a headshot for your listing on the ELT Professionals platform.
If you are employed at a NEAS Endorsed Centre or are a current individual Associate Member, it is FREE to be listed. In order to remain listed, you must undertake an activity to achieve at least one of the quality listing badges below (within 90 days).
Once you are added to the platform, you can check your details and update them here.

Download the Brochure (PDF)
Online Application
Quality Listing Badges
These badges signify achievements that you have earned as an ELT Professional.

Associate Member Badge
Join NEAS as an Associate Member for access to NEAS Professional Development and a list of other benefits.

Endorsed Centre Badge
Encourage your Centre to become Quality Endorsed by NEAS.

Core Courses Completed Badge
Complete the suite of free NEAS Core Courses on NEAS Online.

Specialisation Completed Badge
Complete a NEAS Specialisation Course on NEAS Online.

Master Practitioner in ELT Badge
Achieve the industry renowned Master Practitioner award, achieved through the NEAS Online Capstone Course.

NEAS Endorsed ELT Professional Badge
For individuals who have achieved the NEAS standards for ELT professionals and completed the NEAS capstone course “Master Practitioner in ELT”. NEAS Endorsed ELT Professionals are the aspirational individuals in the ELT community.