Find Quality Products & Services

NEAS Quality Products & Services are high-quality products and services that benefit the ELT community. These products and services achieve the NEAS Quality Products and Services endorsement by providing demonstrated quality outcomes in the ELT community.

Endorsed Quality Products and Services further distinguish themselves through an independent Quality Review and a demonstration of aspirational standards in innovation and best practice.

Endorsed Products and Services are measured against Quality Area K of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework.

Homestay service providers are measured against Quality Area O of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework.

Pinnacle English Online Placement Test

Pinnacle English Online Placement Test

NSW, Australia





Testing (Other)

Pinnacle English Placement Test

Pinnacle English Online Placement Test (PEOPT) is designed to meet the needs of both ELICOS providers and Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions, PEOPT ensures accurate student placement by assessing key language skills such as speaking, reading, and writing. A standout feature is the integrated speaking recorder, which is compatible with all devices and enhances usability and user experience.

PEOPT is adaptable across contexts and follows a continuous review process, incorporating feedback from academic staff and stakeholders to maintain its relevance and quality.

This product is available online.

Find out more

For more information about this product please email Paul Borg.
