Thank you and Farewell to Dr Patrick Pheasant!

It is with sincere gratitude that we farewell Dr Patrick Pheasant as NEAS Australia’s outgoing Chief Executive Officer.  

Patrick has been an exemplary leader over the past seven years – for our organisation, our members, and the sector. Patrick’s focus on Quality Assurance (QA) has upheld the integrity and reputation of English Language Teaching (ELT) in Australia and internationally, during uniquely challenging times. 

Led by Patrick’s advocacy, NEAS has influenced national policy conversations that have shaped the future of our sector and represented our members. Through his development and expansion of the NEAS Advisory Council, being a founding member of the global Quality Assurance in Language Education Network (QALEN) and introducing the NEAS Capstone Course: Master Practitioner in ELT (Quality Assurance) and Communities of Practice, Patrick has skilfully balanced innovation and QA throughout his tenure. 

Patrick’s focus on relationships with providers and overseas partners has solidified the reputation of the Australian ELT sector at home and abroad. This has been exemplified through the design, development, and delivery of nine additional QA framework areas including ELT Qualifications, Endorsed Education Agents, Homestay Providers and ELT Products & Services.

In guiding us to become a global network with a flagship annual conference, expanding our professional development programs and introducing a hybrid service delivery model, Patrick’s passion for connection created opportunities for members to learn and grow with each other, resulting in the confidence to deliver quality ELT. 

Demonstrating stoicism and wisdom when the world as we knew it changed, Patrick guided us through a response plan and strategic pivots that led the organisational transformation to what NEAS is today.  

We wish Patrick the best in his future pursuits and look forward to staying connected for years to come. 

During the leadership transition, our long-standing team continues to serve our members. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Daniel Yuen (Operations Manager), Rima Ibrahim (Education Manager) and Peetra Lechte (Communications Manager) for support.  

November 2023