UOW College Australia- NEAS congratulates you!

UOW College Australia is nestled among the trees, gardens, and buildings that constitute the UOW campus in North Wollongong. Building 30 serves as the hub for delivering English language courses to international students. Currently, students come from a diverse range of countries with a majority originating from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, and a smaller number of students coming from China, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, and Mongolia. In addition, the Centre regularly hosts study tours from Japan.

Classrooms, relaxation and learning spaces, as well as administration and staff rooms, are set over approximately 2.5 floors which have been renovated, since the last NEAS Quality Review, creating a flowing campus with plenty of light and space. The Centre is delivering ten courses including English for Tertiary Study, Direct Entry Programs, EAP, IELTS and General English.

Teachers advised that the orientation program was well planned and very thorough and students in the Focus Group agreed. As part of that program teachers run a workshop entitled “Settling into Studies” which includes sessions on meeting new friends, controlling emotions, and addressing negative feelings. UOW College Australia also provides students access to various student activities and keeps them informed through student newsletters about activities available at the campus-based student clubs.

Students reported being happy with the quality of teachers and were also keen to talk about the role of their teachers in promoting the Centre. One student said, “Teachers have taught here for a long time” and are “very serious about helping us improve.” Students were also satisfied with the amount of feedback they received and noted that teachers would often advise them about their progress and their level of confidence. Students also advised that they enrolled in the Centre because “the school has good education.”

November 2023