The 2021 NEAS Management Conference was held 6-7 May,
livestreamed from Doltone House in Sydney.
All conference content is now available for viewing.
If you attended the conference, you can access the recordings from the NEAS Management Conference Online Platform (check your email for your unique access link).
The recordings are also available for viewing via the NEAS Online Portal.
Planning for the 2022 event is underway and details will be announced shortly.

Quality Provider Award – New Member (Australia)
A recently endorsed NEAS member that has shown dedication and commitment to striving for quality in the ELT sector.
Recognised for:
- Commitment to quality outcomes for stakeholders in each of the NEAS Quality Areas
- Demonstrating quality in their programs and services

Quality Provider Award – New Member (International)
A recently endorsed NEAS member that has shown dedication and commitment to striving for quality in the ELT sector.
Recognised for:
- Commitment to quality outcomes for stakeholders in each of the NEAS Quality Areas
- Demonstrating quality in their programs and services

Quality Product / Service Offering Award
An organisation that has produced an outstanding product or service as an offering to the ELT community.
Recognised for:
- The product or service’s contribution to the advancement of education
- The product or service’s demonstration of unique elements and innovation

PEARSON Versant Tests

Quality Education Agent Award
An Education Agent that has provided an outstanding service to the ELT community.
Recognised for outstanding results on internal and external benchmarking on reliability, credibility and quality.

NEAS Master Practitioner Award
This program sets the benchmark for understanding quality assurance, using qualified research into English language teaching and demonstration of knowledge of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework.
The course comprises a capstone project which enables the participant to apply quality assurance principles to an area of interest and specialisation.
The capstone project submission may take one of several forms such as an essay, research project, an experiential work or a multimedia presentation.

25 Years of Quality Commitment Award
25 years of continuous Quality Endorsement with NEAS. Each recipient has demonstrated their commitment to quality through 25 years of membership with NEAS.


NEAS Lifetime Member Award
Life Member 2021

Life Member 2019