Find a Quality Centre

NEAS Quality Centres are Quality Endorsed by NEAS against the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework. These centres partake in annual quality review and continuous improvement activities with the support of NEAS.

Quality Endorsement is granted and maintained through NEAS’ 360 degree stakeholder-driven feedback model, which is informed by input from students, teachers and professional staff.

NEAS Quality Centres are recognised in the English Language Teaching community for their commitment to quality outcomes for stakeholders in each of the NEAS Quality Areas.

Crown Institute of Higher Education

Crown Institute of Higher Education
CRICOS: 03744B

116 Pacific Highway, North Sydney
NSW 2060 Australia

02 9955 0488


• English for Academic Purposes 1 (EAP1)
• English for Academic Purposes 2 (EAP2)
• English for Academic Purposes 3 (EAP3)
• General English