VUS Endorsement – Congratulations

NEAS congratulates Vietnam USA Society English Centres (VUS) on the recent Quality Endorsement of FIVE (!) new centres and for completing a successful Quality Review of well-established centres. VUS is a leading English Language Teaching institution in Vietnam with approximately 250,000 students enrolled annually throughout the country. The majority of its campuses are located in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Hanoi, Binh Duong, Bien Hoa, Vung Tau and Da Nang. Established over 20 years ago, VUS joined NEAS in 2017 with an initial 15 centres and has since added a significate number of new centres. VUS currently has 43 NEAS endorsed centres.

NEAS conducted a recent Virtual Quality Review to confirm the endorsement of five new centres-VUS Binh Duong, VUS Binh Long, VUS Nuyen Van Tang, VUS Nguyen Van Thu, and VUS To Ky 2- in addition to the Quality Review of established centres. The Virtual Quality Review was followed by a two-day visit to multiple VUS campuses including the newly endorsed ones by NEAS CEO, Dr Pheasant.  Dr Pheasant was particularly impressed by the state of art facilities, the student welcoming ceremony and VUS’s overall commitment to delivering quality education.

It was evident via Management meetings and submitted Health Checks that VUS has well-established key business departments and efficient reporting structures. Each campus has its own Admissions and Student Affairs team, Training Quality Management team and School, Service and Compliance team. The Academic Research team is in the Head Office in Ho Chi Min City.

VUS has a strong culture of fostering a sense of family among students, parents and teachers through social media, face-to-face engagement and the Learning Management System (LMS): V-Hub. Social events are also advertised on the notice board in the foyer of each building. When asked in focus groups about their experience at VUS, many teachers and staff members expressed being happily employed at VUS for 10 – 20 years, which is a testament to the good work conditions and supportive culture.

September 2022