Premium Products
The global ELT community is a vibrant and colourful space, with highly differentiated providers and unique offerings for students learning English. Centres wishing to showcase and seek recognition for their unique and innovative products and services, can apply for NEAS Premium Product Endorsement.
Endorsed Premium Products are measured against Quality Area K of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework.
Benefits of Premium Product Endorsement include;
- Use of the gold ‘NEAS Endorsed Premium Product logo’
- Marketing representation; Receive the NEAS Premium Product badge and share your product on the NEAS website
- Expert review and feedback
- Eligibility for the NEAS Premium Product Showcase at the NEAS Management Conference

Apply for Premium Product Endorsement

Please note: In order to apply for Premium Product Endorsement, you must be a current NEAS Quality Endorsed Centre.
NEAS Endorsed Premium Products
Citipointe Christian College International

Intensive English + Test Preparation (IETP) Course
In this 10 week program, students can significantly accelerate their English development. A feature of this course is Eiken test preparation for Japanese students. Citipointe Christian College International utilises its outstanding facilities and School community to support student success in this program.
Curtin English

Four key principles underpin Curtin English’s CPD program; it is clear and communicated to all, flexible and multi-faceted, staff are actively engaged, and it is inclusive in terms of development. The program demonstrates evidence of reflection and evaluation throughout 7 years of ongoing development and is clearly aligned to principles of current research in Continuing Professional Development. Curtin English’s CPD program encompasses a broad range of PD activities, offering a complete solution to Professional Development.
ILSC Sydney

Trinity Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CertTESOL)
The Trinity CertTESOL is a highly respected qualification for teaching English to speakers of other languages. It includes lesson planning, classroom management, language analysis, and assessment techniques, all with a practical teaching focus. The Trinity CertTESOL is open to English speakers of all language backgrounds, and successful candidates earn the prestigious Trinity CertTESOL qualification, enhancing their employability as English language teachers globally.
International House Sydney

International House Sydney runs around 17 CELTA courses (both full-time and part-time) to nearly 200 students per year. The CELTA course at International House Sydney ensures there is room in the syllabus to contextualise and personalise its content, while strictly abiding by the Cambridge guidelines. International House Sydney has also designed a number of other teacher training courses based on the CELTA structure.
IH Sydney’s English for Teens is a General English course specifically targeting students between 13-16 years of age. The course demonstrates relevance to current trends in International Student Enrolment Data and has been developed through extensive industry consultation. IH Sydney utilises High School qualified teachers in its delivery of this course and incorporates a wide range of extra-curricular activities designed to develop skills which are directly relevant to a range of everyday scenes that students experience.
John Paul International College

High School Preparation Program
The largest private independent college in Queensland, John Paul International College includes an International College, Primary School, Middle School, Senior School, Child Care Centre and Community Kindergarten.
Their outstanding High School Preparation Course prepares students to participate fully in the life of the college by encouraging not only the development of language proficiency, but also the academic literacy and cultural capital necessary for the students to participate successfully in the secondary school learning context. The course develops the skills to analyse, draw inferences and assess information whilst incorporating computer literacy across all areas of the school curriculum.
Macquarie University College

Foundation Direct Entry (FDE) and Diploma Direct Entry (DDE) courses
As students studying Foundation and Diploma programs are diverse in their academic and socio-emotional needs and behaviours, the FDE and DDE course curricula have been created to be outcome specific as well as aimed at increasing overall student learning, engagement and experience. The courses feature a descriptive syllabus that allows teachers flexibility for ancillary teaching and learning needs in line with the pre-defined outcomes. The originality of the course development is in the design of the project work that supports a range of course learning outcomes and successfully engages students in meaningful task-based learning in class, out of class and on class excursions.
The University of Queensland – UQ College

International Diploma in Language Teaching Management
ICTE, University of Queensland, Cambridge English and World Learning SIT Graduate Institute (USA) have formed a global partnership to jointly award the International Diploma in Language Teaching Management (IDLTM), a learning program for current or prospective managers in language teaching organisations.
The University of Sydney Centre for English Teaching

The Centre for English Teaching’s student engagement program, CET Connect, creates an engaging environment which encourages students in educational and social progress via CET Connect the app, the powerful digital tool which sits at the centre of the student experience.
The University of Sydney CET’s EAP Teacher Training course allows teachers to build expertise in the teaching of EAP and gain a specific qualification. Offered in two modes: face-to-face and online,
the course provides participants with the current theory and best practice in teaching academic English and is delivered using an interactive, workshop-based approach.
Academic Skills for University Success MOOC Specialization
This Specialization is aimed at preparing students for undergraduate study in an English-speaking university. The course equips you for full participation and engagement with your studies by building awareness and understanding of the core values and expectations of academic culture, and providing you with practical strategies to apply to your studies.
University of Western Australia

CELT Academic English and Study Skills Bridging Course
The University of Western Australia’s Centre for English Language Teaching’s (CELT) Academic English and Study Skills Bridging Course is designed for international students wishing to undertake tertiary studies at the University of Western Australia. The course supports international students through an integrated methodological approach and the incorporation of study and research skills, cultural awareness and modern computer based learning.
Whites Hill State College

Onboarding Program
Onboarding is an integrated program that welcomes and socialises new students. Developed in close consultation with Education Queensland International, Onboarding responds directly to identified stakeholder need and creates a smooth start for student study. The program engages with the families of students, alongside engagement with students. Purpose-designed videos and graphics (many with captions in Mandarin, Japanese and Vietnamese), as well as a follow-up Teams meeting, allows for students to understand, access, and use effectively the multiple educational and technical platforms introduced to them.