NEAS has recently embarked on its own transformative journey and is inviting you to join us!
The team invite you to explore our transformed website, The look and feel have improved with a colourful palette and user-friendly navigation features. It’s now much easier to locate information on our quality assurance services, professional development and quality centres. Fewer clicks means you can quickly find and register for our upcoming QLS workshops, NEAS Online Learning or Webinars.
The Quality Centres page incorporates a full list of our Centres as well as rolling Featured Quality Centres. You can search by State, Country or one of the special categories.
NEAS’ mission spans the following categories: Engage, Endorse, Evolve and Empower. We invite you to explore our website and send us any questions or provide feedback on your experience.
Stay in touch with the NEAS team through NEAS News as our journey continues. If you haven’t already, you can subscribe to NEAS News here.
Engage with NEAS as an individual, a new entrant to the ELT market or an Endorsed centre looking for further engagement. NEAS offers a range of services to enhance the quality of your centre or you as a professional.
Endorsement is the ‘bread and butter’ of NEAS. NEAS can endorse your centre, your unique product or a qualification you offer to teaching professionals. We want to showcase the quality of your centre.
Develop your professional skills and evolve with NEAS. NEAS Quality Assessors deliver workshops, webinars and online courses free to NEAS Members and Associate Members.
Our charitable mission is to support the ELT community by creating awards, scholarships, mentorships and research projects.
Your investment into quality assurance with NEAS is an investment into the English Language Teaching (ELT) community.

We have moved and we have a new number
NEAS has moved to Suite 211, 25 – 29 Berry Street, North Sydney, 2060.
Please update your records.
Our new number is 02 9055 9275
Professional Development
International Students (Under 18)*
When: September 30
Where: Online
* This is a new NEAS course.
NEAS Endorsement News
Milestones English Academy

Congratulations to Milestones English Academy on another year of NEAS Quality Endorsement. Located in the busy heart of the Melbourne CBD, Milestones has a diverse student cohort and offers a range of English language courses. Students are routinely surveyed every six weeks, the feedback of which clearly informs various aspects of the Centre’s continuous improvement.
MIT Institute

NEAS Quality Endorsement for MIT Institute recognises its concern for the delivery of quality ELT programs which are supported by the implementation of a comprehensive business plan and upgraded teacher and student resources.
St John’s International College

Congratulations to St John’s International College on successful completion of their 2019 Quality review. St John’s International College operates within the St John’s Anglican College Secondary campus, offering a 5 level High School Preparation Program.
NEAS Industry News
Connect, Engage and Influence at AAED 2019

AAED strengthens the current links between Australia and ASEAN across key education sectors to build a broader ASEAN-Australia regional and global engagement. Be part of the dialogue in 2019.