Conference Countdown: 2 Weeks Left!


Navigating Global Trends in ELT Management

IELTS has now published the full assessment scales used by examiners, having recently completed a review of its writing assessment criteria to ensure they remain transparent, fair, and fit for purpose.

As the only major test with publicly available, transparent marking criteria, the IELTS’ band descriptors outline the specific criteria that will be used to evaluate test takers’ work, and the performance levels associated with each criterion. This clarity and transparency helps test takers to understand what is expected of them and how they will be evaluated. Critical to this is enhancing IELTS preparation teachers’ engagement with the marking criteria.

This session provides academic managers with more information on the review and what has been updated, how band descriptors can inform curriculum design and how the band score descriptors now form the basis of a professional development course available to all teachers.

Explore the growth and impact of transnational delivery models in ELT management.

Discuss the advantages, challenges, and best practices associated with offering ELT programs across international borders.

Share your experience of navigating transnational delivery and your experience in ensuring quality and compliance.

Journey into the forefront of language testing and gain invaluable insights into the latest research, product developments, and innovations shaping language assessment. This session will dive into recent research findings as well as product enhancements in language testing. This presentation aims to equip academic managers with insights and knowledge needed to make informed decisions that meet the evolving needs of international students in Australia.

Join us to gain a deeper understanding of current findings and ensure your institution stays ahead in the dynamic world of international education.

Improving ELICOS curriculums by identifying academic issues experienced by students who have progressed from an ELICOS program into tertiary programs.

Effectively preparing ESL students for the challenges of higher education is a shared objective among educators today. This paper centres on the improvement of ELICOS curriculums by identifying and addressing academic challenges encountered by students who have transitioned from ELICOS programs to tertiary education.

The research seeks to improve ELICOS courses for a smoother transition and academic success for international students. The study employs a mixed-methods approach involving surveys, interviews and an analysis of academic performance data. This comprehensive methodology is employed to gain a deep understanding of the difficulties that ELICOS graduates face in tertiary education. The valuable insights from the findings have given significant input into rethinking, reshaping and redefining ELICOS courses. The research suggests customising ELICOS courses with academic skill-building and cultural training to help students better prepare for higher education.

April 2024