Education Queensland International (EQI) is the international branch of the Queensland Department of Education. Three EQI schools, Mitchelton State High School, Whites Hill State College, and Indooroopilly State High School, have formed a cooperating alliance during the ongoing border closure to achieve efficiencies in its online delivery. The alliance uses the same Learning Management Systems and identical curriculum. Teachers and students are shared. All three NEAS Member Schools benefitted from a Trade and Investment Queensland (TIQ) initiative to enhance the delivery and marketing of online courses.

Through a dedicated TIQ grant, NEAS reviewed and endorsed the alliance’s Virtual High School Preparation Program. The online course provides an attractive online environment that supports a positive and engaging user experience. Enjoying multiple modes of engagement, students experience real-time classrooms, concurrent interaction, and access links to topical videos. The lessons are well structured and articulate clear learning outcomes. Integration of self-choice avatars, easy-to-reference dashboards, and leadership rankings provide pictorial interactivity and stimulates a sense of competition. Open student feedback includes standout comments, as follows: “Online lesson is very fun and I can get English skills”; “Online class is fun for me. I want to improve my English skill, so I will do my best”; and “I can learn a lot of things from your school”. Congratulations to Mitchelton State High School, Whites Hill State College and Indooroopilly State High School on the successful Quality Endorsement of its Virtual High School Preparation Course.