Congratulations to the University of New England (UNE) English Language Centre!

UNE English Language Centre provides crucial language support for international students, offering pathways into University courses at all levels. The Centre’s key program, English for Academic Purposes (EAP), enhances language and study skills essential for tertiary education in Australia. The Centre serves as a bridge for international students, ensuring a smooth transition into the academic landscape of the University.

The Centre first achieved Quality Endorsement of online delivery for its EAP program in 2021. In the 2022, a second Quality Review of online delivery was conducted. After each of these annual initiatives, a dedicated NEAS Report was produced, noting areas of best practice, recommendations for improvement, as well as follow-up observations for the Centre’s online program. In 2023, the Centre’s online delivery strategy underwent evaluation amidst an LMS migration from Moodle to MyLearn and a transition to hybrid instruction post-COVID-19.

The latest Quality Review exercise revealed several noteworthy highlights. Notably, the effective use of the UNE Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) facilitated a seamless alignment of EAP Units with the design and teaching approaches employed for Faculty Units. The integration of the OWL camera system provided remote students with a simulated classroom experience, enhancing engagement. Additionally, the implementation of collaborative learning practices ensured meaningful interaction between face-to-face and remote learners.

The use of laptops in face-to-face classes enables communication with remote students in both pair and group modes. This innovative approach fosters an inclusive learning environment, ensuring that all students, regardless of location, actively participate in collaborative activities. Regular consultations between teachers and the Academic Manager serve as a proactive measure to identify remote students who may be facing challenges or are at risk. For those identified, personalised 1:1 consultations and pastoral care are offered, demonstrating the Centre’s commitment to addressing individual needs and ensuring a supportive learning experience for every student.

December 2023