Congratulations to Pusat Bahasa ELC (ELC Language Centre), Malaysia, on its successful completion of a Quality Assurance Management Meeting, which confirms the Centre’s continued Quality Endorsement. A structured Management Meeting was conducted as part of the Onsite Visit to ELC Language Centre – City Campus. Onsite Visits and Management Meetings are integral to the ongoing Quality Review cycle. The Management Meeting covered core areas of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework, as well as additional areas of significance for the Centre (read more…)
The Centre is a sibling campus of ELC Sydney and offers English language courses from Starter level to Upper Intermediate and IELTS preparation. The courses support students articulating into university studies at the National University of Malaysia and the University of Wollongong KDU. The Centre also has an ELICOS operation within UOW Malaysia (temporarily closed due to ongoing COVID-19 challenges). Courses run in blocks of 12 weeks per level. Students are assessed weekly in class under test conditions and a formal summative assessment is held at the end of the 12-week cycle. Students provide feedback to the Centre via online surveys, and this is further enhanced by focus group discussions with students that cover relevant topics, such as accommodation, conditions at the Centre, and the students’ overall experience. Student welfare is maintained through the provision of a dedicated Welfare Officer. A yearly calendar for professional development (PD) for staff features two workshops per month, based mostly on topics that are suggested by the teachers. The Management Team conduct weekly meetings, which inform PD opportunities as well.
August 2022