Find a Quality ELT Professional
NEAS ELT Professionals are individuals recognised as experts in English Language Teaching. ELT Professionals are listed through demonstration of integrity and commitment to professional development.
ELT Professionals are measured against Quality Area L of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework.
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Quality ELT Professionals – NSW
Giselle has 16 CPD points.
Giselle works at UTS: Insearch.
UTS: Insearch is a NEAS Endorsed Quality Centre.
Beatrice works at NOVA Institute of Technology.
NOVA Institute of Technology is a NEAS Endorsed Quality Centre.
Bipasha Haque

Bipasha has 48 CPD points.
Bipasha works at University of New England.
University of New England is a NEAS Endorsed Quality Centre.
Bipasha works at University of New England.
University of New England is a NEAS Endorsed Quality Centre.
Ryan has 34 CPD points.
Ryan works at Sunshine Coast International College.
Sunshine Coast International College is a NEAS Endorsed Quality Centre.
Dr Pamela works at Macquarie University English Language Centre.
Macquarie University English Language Centre is a NEAS Endorsed Quality Centre.
Monica has 6 CPD points.
Monica works at IIBIT, in association with Federation University.
IIBIT, in association with Federation University is a NEAS Endorsed Quality Centre.
Evan works at Greenwich English College.
Greenwich English College is a NEAS Endorsed Quality Centre.
Shishir has 20 CPD points.
Shishir works at Contractor at Charles Darwin University.
Babak Mansourinia

Babak has 24 CPD points.
Babak works at Australia Institute of Business and Technology.
Rebecca has 14 CPD points.
Rebecca works at UTS College.
UTS College is a NEAS Endorsed Quality Centre.
Aitana has 56 CPD points.
Aitana works at Times Academy.
Times Academy is a NEAS Endorsed Quality Centre.
Tony has 14 CPD points.
Tony works at Albright Institute of Business and Language.
Albright Institute of Business and Language is a NEAS Endorsed Quality Centre.
Maria Agustina has 4 CPD points.
Maria Agustina works at University of Sydney, Centre for English Teaching.
University of Sydney, Centre for English Teaching is a NEAS Endorsed Quality Centre.
Youngeun works at Australian Pacific College.
Australian Pacific College is a NEAS Endorsed Quality Centre.
Jennifer has 26 CPD points.
Jennifer works at UTS College.
UTS College is a NEAS Endorsed Quality Centre.
Jennifer West

Jennifer has 26 CPD points.
Jennifer works at UTS College.
UTS College is a NEAS Endorsed Quality Centre.