Find a Quality ELT Professional

NEAS ELT Professionals are individuals recognised as experts in English Language Teaching. ELT Professionals are listed through demonstration of integrity and commitment to professional development.

ELT Professionals are measured against Quality Area L of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework.

Quality ELT Professionals – VIC

Sashika has 20 CPD points.

Sashika is open to work.

Sashika is a trainee teacher.

Sergey has 20 CPD points.

Sergey is a trainee teacher.

Louise works at Oakleigh Grammar.

Tara has 20 CPD points.

Tara is a trainee teacher.

Dimitar has 40 CPD points.

Dimitar works at Orange College.

Ravinder has 88 CPD points.

Ravinder Kaur is an Independent ELT Professional.

Ravinder is open to work.

Linh has 2 CPD points.

Linh works at Melbourne City Institute of Education.

Peetra Lechte

Peetra has 55 CPD points.

Peetra works at NEAS.

Sean has 20 CPD points.

Sean is a trainee teacher.

Ella works at RMIT University.

Meenu Madan

Meenu has 28 CPD points.

Meenu works at Nova Institute of Technology.

Rupa works at Nova Institute of Technology.

Nova Institute of Technology is a NEAS Endorsed Quality Centre.

Brenda Meiklejohn is an Independent ELT Professional.

Mehdi has 11 CPD points.

Mehdi works at Southern Cross Education Institute - Higher Education.

Andrew has 14 CPD points.

Andrew works at Holmesglen Institute.

Holmesglen Institute is a NEAS Endorsed Quality Centre.

Kevin Perera is an Independent ELT Professional.

Jakki has 81 CPD points.

Jakki Postlethwaite is an Independent ELT Professional.

Michael works at Victoria University Online.

Josephine has 20 CPD points.

Josephine is a trainee teacher.

Craig has 57 CPD points.

Craig works at Focus Language School.

Scott has 2 CPD points.

Scott Swain is an Independent ELT Professional.

Rong has 20 CPD points.

Rong is a trainee teacher.

Sijia has 18 CPD points.

Sijia works at Melbourne Education Institute.