It has been a challenging year so far, with both the bushfires and coronavirus threatening the stability of our industry. Now more than ever, maintaining the quality of course delivery, student support and staffing through pro-active review and evaluation, professional development and continuous improvement is essential. With this in mind, NEAS continues to offer opportunities for members, education agents and the broader ELT community through our quality review activities, professional development program, the NEAS Conference and information sharing.
Do you have a staff member who thrives in the work environment and would benefit from extra PD or a teacher that excels? Reward them by sending them to the 2020 NEAS Management Conference. Tickets start at only $69 for pre-conference workshops!
Or even better, reward them with a fully inclusive ticket for $1,050*!
The NEAS Conference is a great way to incentivise your team.
*member price only, does not include travel and accommodation.
Transformation and Thai Education
Transformation is difficult. The education system of Thailand is in transition, and individual universities are undergoing their own organizational changes in response to an evolving economic and demographic landscape. Students embarking on their educational journeys face daunting uncertainty, particularly regarding the acquisition of marketable skills and eventual employment; however, these same students also have access to unprecedented opportunities. In this highly unsettled context, Mezirow’s (1991) framework of transformative learning is a valuable lens through which to understand the role of disorientation, dissatisfaction, and experimentation in effecting meaningful change.
Transformations: from Teacher to Manager
The route to becoming an English language teacher is relatively standard, but teachers becoming managers face a daunting array of pathways. Some teachers become managers through study: they may undertake an ELT Management qualification such as IDLTM or an IH DoS course. They write essays and assignments and then learn to apply the theory to their workplace. Some teachers become managers without explicit training: they may work their way up from co-ordinator roles; they may be thrown into the deep end when a supervisor suddenly leaves, or they may be the beneficiaries of thoughtful mentoring from an experienced colleague.
The presenters are teachers who have moved into management at different stages of their careers, for different reasons and with different levels of enthusiasm for the role. This presentation will work through some of the key learnings for someone new to management, from the funny to the sublime. It will explore how professional development for managers has transformed people, careers and institutes and explore how informal partnerships shape transformation in effective academic management. Participants will have the opportunity to share their experience and their learning to benefit new managers.
Video Highlight – Premium Products from Australian Providers
This spectacular session showcases up to five NEAS member products or services that have achieved Premium Product Endorsement for demonstrating excellence against the NEAS framework. Each Product is selected based on its strength in areas such as origination, functionality, innovation, user outcomes and community benefit.
Applying for a Premium Product
The global ELT community is a vibrant and colourful space, with highly differentiated providers and unique offerings for students learning English. Centres wishing to showcase and seek recognition for their unique and innovative products and services can apply for NEAS Premium Product Endorsement.
Professional Development
Promotion and Student Recruitment
When: 27 March 2020
Where: Explore English
With a focus on quality assurance and best practice in the fundamental Quality Area A – Teaching, Learning and Assessment, this helpful NEAS workshop will benefit teachers and academic managers alike.
The session will provide opportunities for participants to explore the wide variety of services offered by NEAS and how these may be accessed to support teaching, learning and assessment practices in ELT centres. Building from a ‘101’ footing will provide an opportunity for participants to understand the key differences between compliance and quality assurance in the area of teaching, learning and assessment and better understand their role in the quality assurance systems and continuous improvement cycles of their colleges.
This journey into teaching, learning and assessment will arrive at assessment moderation, where participants will have opportunities to review and share current practice as well as learn and implement practical skills to increase the quality of their assessment practices.
A PD must for teachers and managers, new and experienced.
Promotion and Student Recruitment
When: 02 March 2020
Where: online
Don’t know where to start with your Centre’s promotion and student recruitment according to the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework? Join the NEAS Area E online course starting March 2, 2020. The NEAS Area E – Promotion and Student Recruitment course will be facilitated by NEAS Assessors for four weeks, then remain open until June 30 building an online Community of Practice (CoP). You will be working online with other NEAS members around Australia and South East Asia, working through real world scenarios in whole course and small group discussions. There are four modules to complete and you will earn a module badge for each of the four completed modules: Library, Café, Playground and Test. You will be able to earn a certificate from NEAS once you collect all four badges. Let’s meet online in 2020 and continue our life long learning journey!
This workshop is open for NEAS Associate and full Members Only.
It is recommended to all professional staff and teachers who aspire to management and marketing positions.
Haven’t figured out what PD you are planning for your staff yet?
Each new calendar year presents the challenge of planning and delivering a relevant and worthwhile program of professional learning for teachers, coordinators and Academic Managers. This webinar will help you shape your program for 2020.
This webinar is running on the 26th February at 2pm so register before it’s too late.
Free for NEAS Members.
NEAS Endorsement News
Universal English College

NEAS congratulates Universal English College on successful completion of their recent Quality Review visit. Universal English College operates in modern, well organised premises in the Sydney CBD. Student common areas and other facilities ensure that students have every opportunity to study in a comfortable and supportive environment. Detailed course material and well documented assessment procedures are in place providing guidance for teaching staff, and the centre has partnerships with a number of VET providers and several universities.
NEAS Industry News
UECA PD Fest Sydney 2020

UECA PD Fest Sydney 2020
Saturday 28 March, 2020
University English Language Centres of Australia (UECA), and the Centre for English Teaching, University of Sydney, are proud to present the UECA PD Fest Sydney 2020.
“By teachers, for teachers” is a full day of professional development for teachers and academic managers, presented by teachers and managers working in our industry. The day will include an opening keynote speaker and a selection of 40-minute presentations or workshops. Throughout the day, participants will have the chance to connect with colleagues over lunch and at an early evening social event.
The day aims at providing professional development for teachers by teachers at UECA, NEAS and English Australia member institutions, and is a great opportunity to share ideas and insights with colleagues from different centres and from across the industry.