Conference Countdown: One Month Left!


Technology and Digital Innovation in ELT

Leading and Supporting Staff Learning

This workshop highlights the important role Academic Managers play in supporting and fostering staff learning. We look at what ongoing and informal learning might look like in practice and why prioritising staff learning results in many positives for both staff and students.

During the workshop we will engage with what staff learning looks like, the challenges with fostering a culture of informal learning in the staffroom, and the benefits in establishing staff learning as a priority in your organisation.

AI and Adaptive Learning in ELT: Personalising Education at Scale

In this workshop session, explore how the Academic English Programs at UNSW College have managed the challenges of AI and its impacts on learning and assessment. Discover what insights have been gained since its implementation of an AI Framework.

Draw on shared experiences of managing the impacts of AI on teaching and assessment to build shared best practices through workable responses.

Assessment in the Digital Age: Innovative Approaches to Testing and Evaluation

Learn how recent AI advancements are instrumental in promoting equity within assessment practices, and how you can leverage the partnership between Humans and ChatGPT to enable the creation of assessment items at an unprecedented scale and affordable cost. Discover innovative strategies that combine AI technology with multiple asynchronous proctors to safeguard high-stakes assessments.

This presentation will unveil Duolingo’s latest research findings, subscore frameworks, and introduce new interactional item types designed for 2024.

March 2024