NEAS congratulates The Rockhampton English Language Academy (RELA) of The Rockhampton Grammar School (RGS) on becoming the latest Quality Endorsed Member! RGS is a well-established boarding and day school dating back to its establishment in 1881. It has a strong connection and reputation with the Central Queensland region, a robust alumni network, a dedicated Board of Trustees, and a reputation for quality educational outcomes and duty of care. RGS is a member of the Independent Schools Association and complies with Education Queensland standards and regulations. The School has a keen interest in developing international connections through its English for High School course and RELA. RGS caters to international students at the primary, junior, and senior levels.
The centre lodged a comprehensive application for NEAS quality endorsement, and Pending status was conferred by the NEAS Endorsement Committee during the border closure. NEAS Quality Endorsement is granted and maintained through a distinctive 360-degree stakeholder-driven feedback model, which is informed by input from students, teachers and professional staff. With the disruptions to international travel arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated impact on student mobility and teacher employment, the Centre’s application had successfully undergone NEAS assessment, while its designation as an Endorsed Centre was pending a concluding Quality Endorsement Meeting involving the participation of students on campus. Upon the reopening of Australia’s international borders and the return of international enrolments, RELA coordinated with NEAS to conduct an in-person Quality Endorsement Meeting in May 2024.
Students in the focus group expressed satisfaction with the quality of teaching and the individual attention they received from their teachers. RGS staff visit market countries to run focus groups with parents and agents, ensuring that the application and enrolment process is easy and clear. Teachers in the focus group reported that classroom and teaching resources are of a very high standard. Staff in focus groups also commented that induction and performance development are thorough and ongoing. Learning outcomes of the English for High School course are based on the Pearson Global Scale of English (GSE) and aligned with Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) ‘can do’ statements, with particular emphasis on the skills needed for mainstream programs, especially in science and math. Most international students live on campus and a comprehensive boarding program is offered. New students are teamed up with a different buddy each term.
June 2024