Endorsement News: Smart English

Congratulations to Smart English on its successful completion of a Quality Assurance Management Meeting, which confirms the Centre’s continued Quality Endorsement. A structured Management Meeting was conducted as part of an Onsite Visit by the assigned NEAS Quality Assessor. Management Meetings are integral to the ongoing Quality Review cycle. The review exercise covered core areas of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework and additional areas of significance for the Centre. 

Smart English caters for students predominantly from South America, with a smaller number of students coming from Asian countries, including Korea, Japan, Thailand, China and Taiwan. General English classes are offered in the morning and in the evening from Elementary to Advanced Level. The campus provides a welcoming atmosphere, and a friendly student services desk and teachers remain current in their methodologies via a professional development (PD) timetable, which is co-created with teachers to provide access to internal and external PD activities.

May 2023