NEAS CEO, Dr Patrick Pheasant, and NEAS Directors hosted this year’s Annual General Meeting. The AGM provided NEAS Staff, Assessors, Board Directors and Advisory Council representatives the opportunity to review the Annual Report and speak with NEAS members.
The membership heard presentations from the NEAS CEO and NEAS Chair, Ms Denise Taylor. New NEAS Board Directors were welcomed and members voted on a minor amendment to the Constitution.
The NEAS Board extends its thanks to the members who attended and thanks to Director, Larry Davies, who retired from the Board in 2019. The Board welcomes Independent Directors Dr James Langridge and Tanya Buchanan.
Abstracts are due at the end of next week
The 2020 NEAS Management Conference is showcasing best practices in ELT management and course coordination and delivery.
NEAS is seeking invitations from the ELT community for 45 minute presentations, 90 minute workshops or 10 minute Vox Pops.
Submissions close 8 November 2019, so hurry!
NEAS hosts Vietnam Ministry of Public Security

NEAS’ Ana Bratkovic and Cameron Heath welcomed a delegation from the Ministry of Public Security, Vietnam, and delivered a presentation on quality assurance and NEAS Endorsement.
The delegation is touring Sydney and learning about best practices in quality assurance. “We are proud to showcase our unique stakeholder driven feedback model to the world and especially stakeholders from our neighbouring ASEAN nations”, said Ana.
Super Early Bird Tickets are nearly sold out!
This year, NEAS is offering Super Early Bird tickets for the 2020 NEAS Management Conference.
Only a limited number have been released. Secure yours now before they run out.
Professional Development
Staffing toolbox
When: 27 November 2019
Where: Online
NEAS Benchmarking Toolbox
Thank you to the participants who joined our first webinar as part of the Toolbox series.
If you would like to view the recording of the webinar, you can do so here.
The ‘Toolbox’ series webinars are available for NEAS Members and Associate Members only.
Industry News
UECA PD FEST Melbourne
Melbourne’s Swinburne University of Technology English Language Centre hosted the UECA PD Fest and NEAS was there. The PD Fest offers a full day of state-of-the-art PD for the ELT community.
Ana Bratkovic, NEAS General Manager, presented a workshop on Student Self Assessment and was also thrilled to see the recipient of the Best Presenter, sponsored by NEAS. NEAS congratulates UECA on offering quality PD to the teachers, managers and staff in the ELT community and is proud to sponsor the event.
NEAS Endorsement News
Global Business College of Australia

Congratulations to Global Business College of Australia on achieving NEAS Quality Endorsement! The Melbourne CBD campus provides a library with excellent resources which facilitates language learning and fosters community. The addition of a dedicated Library Officer also promotes a culture of guidance and welfare from the moment students enter the building.
The GBCA College and ELICOS websites are very well designed and pitched at the proficiency levels of students. The use of infographics, tables, and accordion drop down menus all serve to make information immediately accessible and comprehensible. Teaching staff are not only enthusiastic, but also proactive in promoting the centre through video testimonials and interviews.
International House Melbourne

NEAS is pleased to confirm the Quality Endorsement of International House’s new campus in Melbourne. Opened in November 2018, IH Melbourne is one of four Australian campuses owned and operated by IH Sydney Training Services Pty Ltd.
The campus is located in the CBD with easy access to public transport, shops, and facilities. IH Melbourne offers courses in GE, EAP and exam preparation, as well as a suite of teacher training courses; Cert IV TESOL, IH Sydney TESOL, ETYL/TECSOL and J-SHINE Japanese language teaching. Tailor-made study tour programs are also available year-round.
University of Tasmania English Language Centre

NEAS is very happy to announce the Quality Endorsement of University of Tasmania (UTAS) English Language Centre. The English Language Centre has campuses in Hobart and Launceston and operates mostly as a pathway institute, facilitating Direct Entry from its UTAS Access – Direct Entry course into various undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at the university. General English is also offered as UTAS Access – English.
The campus in Hobart, set amongst the trees and serenity of Hobart’s mild temperate environment in Sandy Bay is the first to achieve Quality Endorsement. NEAS was particularly impressed with the Centre’s commitment to extensive curriculum review and benchmarking of Direct Entry course assessment outcomes, demonstrating a high degree of academic integrity and leadership.