ReadyTeacher is a dynamic technology platform connecting educators with top-tier institutions offering ELICOS and VET programs, both in-person and online, including offshore courses. ReadyTeacher’s mission is to revolutionise the way education providers find specialised teachers, making it as simple as a click of a button.
NEAS is pleased to assess and endorse ReadyTeacher in the category of Quality Products and Services (Area K). The Quality Principles of Area K focus on these features of the target Product and Service: its underlying research; its fulfilment of purpose; its processes for maintaining quality; its uniqueness and innovation; and its contribution to the ELT community. Detailed information on Area K of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework can be referenced here: https://neas.org.au/resources/neas-quality-framework/#area-k.
ReadyTeacher was developed after identifying gaps in on-demand teacher hiring and feedback from stakeholders requesting a centralised pool of qualified teachers. It benefits teachers with flexible work and diverse experiences, centres with streamlined hiring and teacher quality, and the ELT industry with improved reputation and recruitment practices. Software developers were engaged from the start to ensure compliance and suitability of the technology.
ReadyTeacher offers a comprehensive platform for client centres, including payroll management, lesson planning, and professional development. It provides a 90-minute turnaround for teacher relief and access to a wide pool of on-demand teachers across major cities through its user-friendly mobile app. Pricing is competitive, saving on payroll and recruitment costs. The service also offers biweekly lesson planning support and mandatory professional development for teachers.
NEAS was particularly impressed with the quantity and quality of research and development, industry consultation and stakeholder feedback that has gone into ReadyTeacher. The involvement of software developers and early adopters in the initial development and piloting phase is also to be commended. NEAS notes ReadyTeacher’s aim as a transformative resource geared towards innovative 21st century solutions to a persistent issue within the ELT and other educational settings.
March 2024