Congratulations to the Australian Centre for Education (ACE) Cambodia!

Congratulations to the Australian Centre for Education (ACE) Cambodia on the successful completion of the 2024 Quality Review – Self-Assessment, showcasing its commitment to delivering high-quality education in line with the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework. As a distinguished provider of English Language Teaching in Cambodia, ACE operates under the IDP Education brand.

The Centre’s dedication to continuous quality enhancement is evident through various initiatives, including the implementation of recommendations from the 2023 NEAS Quality Management Meeting. Notable efforts include the selection of contemporary textbooks by Program Academic Managers and Lead Teachers to enhance class engagement, as well as the development of new course documents and supplementary materials to enrich the learning experience.

ACE ensures students are well-informed about course objectives, expectations, and learning outcomes through comprehensive communication during initial lessons and on platforms like Google Classroom. Additionally, the Centre’s proactive approach to reviewing resources in the Guided Individual Learning Centre, Bookclub, and Language Learning Advising reflects its commitment to supporting students’ learning beyond traditional classroom settings.

ACE’s thorough self-reflection on current practices, particularly in targeted Quality Principles areas, underscores its dedication to continuous improvement and excellence in education.

April 2024