NEAS’ Professional Development supports the ELT community through advancing best practices to all areas of ELT delivery and support. Our PD supports all individuals working with and alongside ELT institutions to help them meet their quality goals as well as expand their PD capacity.
Our 2020 Professional Development suite continues to evolve in order to provide the support needed by the ELT community.

Starting in June, NEAS launches a set of Communities of Practice, COPS. Communities of Practice are a valuable source of professional development as they offer English Language Teaching (ELT) professionals a supportive environment to share knowledge and build better practices. They provide a rich resource of knowledge, experience and expertise in order to achieve common goals, solve common problems and learn from one another to advance and grow. NEAS COPs provide the environment for ELT professionals to share experiences and develop their areas of interest.
In July, NEAS launches our new series of courses, Specialisations. These courses provide specialised information and insights into an area of quality ELT provision and/or associated practice. They provide participants with knowledge, skills and guidance in applying quality assurance principles to their ELT context enabling continuous improvement.
2020 sees the launch of the Master Practitioner in ELT (QA). A Master Practitioner in English language teaching quality assurance is an expert in ELT quality assurance. A Master Practitioner can demonstrate and apply their knowledge, skills and experience of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) to the ELT field. They are a mentor and coach to a range of individuals including peers, managers, teachers, compliance and quality assurance staff, and students.
The course is for the ELT professional who is working, teaching or studying in the ELT field and has gained considerable experience in applying quality assurance principles in the ELT field. Enrolment is available to individuals who have completed all NEAS Core Courses and two Specialisations, are employed by a NEAS member centre or are an associate member of NEAS.
Check out NEAS Professional Development on our website.
Click here for the PD Schedule
QLS: Emerging Leadership and Development in ELT
This workshop is suitable for the emerging leader and focuses on the leadership qualities best suited to ELT centres. The workshop explores the concepts of leadership styles, the dichotomy between leaders and manager, and gives participants guidance in leading their teams in the digital world.
When? May 8, 3:00pm (Sydney time)
Webinar: Assessment Toolbox
The fundamental purpose of assessment is to identify and understand the point that our students have reached in their learning. How do we feel confident that we are assessing our students in the best possible way? This webinar aims to support teachers and managers by sharing tools and approaches in ELT assessment. The presenters will cover formative and summative assessment, types of assessment tasks and approaches, and the difference between moderation and validation.
When? May 27, 2:00pm (Sydney time)
Community of Practice: School Preparation (HSP & PSP)
Professionals working in Primary and High School Preparation contexts are invited to share their experience, knowledge and expertise to solve common problems and celebrate achievements in order to learn, advance and grow. NEAS COPs provide the environment for ELT professionals to share experiences and develop their areas of interest.
When? June 12, 3:00pm (Sydney time)
Webinar: QA 101 Building a Culture of Quality
Everyone has a stake in building quality in the ELT community as well as in individual ELT centres. This webinar explores the concept of ‘quality’ and ‘culture’ within a quality assurance context and provides participants with practical tools to help them be quality influencers.
When? June 24, 2:00pm (Sydney time)
Free content to candidates via OET All Stars
OET All Stars is a weekly schedule of free live classes, live Q&As, videos and podcasts produced by our Premium Preparation Providers.
Every day, we deliver the best preparation content from our Premium Providers straight to the inboxes and social media news feeds of our candidates.
The aim is to both support them through this pandemic as well as illuminate the amazing work OET Premium Preparation Providers are accomplishing each week.
Currently in week four, the All Stars program has been hugely successful in terms of both on-platform engagement and improving our Preparation Providers’ brand visibility.
One provider, for instance, has seen a 350% increase in video views on their YouTube channel since joining the program.
As more candidates receive valuable support, OET Providers will be well placed to capitalise on their brand as testing increases and the pandemic subsides.
Our Preparation Provider Programme offers preparation providers the knowledge and tools needed to run high quality OET courses. If you would like to become an official OET Preparation Provider,
contact us today.
NEAS Associate Membership
NEAS Associate Membership affords you a full range of benefits including exclusive Professional Development (PD) activities that tick all the boxes. Encourage fellow colleagues to enjoy the following benefits:
- Access to NEAS News
- Quality Learning Series (QLS) online workshops
- Online learning courses
- Assessment of Qualifications
- Discounted annual NEAS Conference tickets
NEAS is committed to the professionalisation of the ELT industry.
Annual membership fee: $250+GST (tax deductible)