Endorsement News – ELT Support

Congratulations to ELT Support for achieving NEAS Endorsement as a Quality Product and Service in the Consulting category. As a consultancy group of experienced English Language Teaching (ELT) professionals, ELT Support is committed to supporting ELICOS colleges and other ELT organisations to establish and maintain best practices to benefit the business, the staff and the students. Drawing on the wealth of knowledge of its staff and actively engaging with industry stakeholders, ELT Support ensures its clients receive the most up-to-date and effective solutions that are aligned with their needs.

NEAS reviewed ELT Support’s professional services using Quality Area K of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework, which focuses on research, purpose, quality maintenance processes, uniqueness and innovation, and contributions to the ELT community. The diligence of ELT Support’s project management methodology and their ability to customise projects to meet their clients’ direct needs were particularly impressive. ELT Support has also exhibited a strong commitment to stakeholder feedback, which informs a continuous cycle of improvement. The organisation’s staff is commended for their active engagement in industry outreach roles and presenting at industry forums.

For further information on Quality Area K and the NEAS Quality Framework, please visit https://neas.org.au/resources/neas-quality-framework/#area-k.  ELT Support’s achievement of NEAS Endorsement is a testament to their dedication to providing high-quality services to the ELT community.

May 2023