Introducing our Academic Plenary for the 2020 NEAS Management Conference

Professor Peter O’Connor is an internationally recognised expert in researching and making applied theatre and drama education. He has created theatre in prisons, psychiatric hospitals, earthquake zones and with the homeless. He was the founding director of Everyday Theatre, a national theatre based education programme focusing on the prevention of family violence and child abuse.

Following the series of earthquakes, his work in Christchurch schools led to both UNESCO funded research and program development, and the development of the Teaspoon of Light Theatre Company. In 2012 he was named the Griffith University School of Education and Professional Studies Alumnus of the Year. Peter’s most recent research includes multi and interdisciplinary studies on the creative pedagogies and the arts, the nature of embodied learning and the pedagogy of surprise.

In 2019, a play he directed with the Hobson Street Theatre Company (New Zealand’s only theatre company for people who are or have been homeless), won the Arts Access Creative New Zealand Community Arts Award. He has continued his work at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles with the Skid Row Housing Trust.

Peter supervises Doctoral and Masters students using arts based methodologies with a social justice focus and is an experienced supervisor of the PhD with creative component.

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NEAS News – PD and lifelong learning

How much PD do you organise for your staff?

Teachers are lifelong learners. All staff who work at an education provider value and engage in learning and teaching on a day to day basis. NEAS recognises that professional development of all staff is an essential element in the continuous improvement of an educational provider.

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NEAS Australia nominated a finalist for the 2019 Premier’s NSW Export Awards

NEAS is excited to share that we are a finalist in the International Education and Training category of the 2019 Premier’s NSW Export Awards.  The Awards honour Australian companies engaged in international business who have achieved sustainable growth through innovation and commitment. 

NEAS is proud to be recognised for its contribution to Australia’s International Exports through supporting quality assurance in ELT in international schools around the globe.  NEAS advances education by providing quality assurance for everyone in the ELT community, including schools and educators located offshore.  NEAS’ expertise and innovative approach to quality assurance has enabled it to offer its high standards in service and support to providers looking to work with Australian providers.  Winners will be announced on 16 October 2019.

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Rewarding Your Staff with Professional Development

It has been a challenging year so far, with both the bushfires and coronavirus threatening the stability of our industry. Now more than ever, maintaining the quality of course delivery, student support and staffing through pro-active review and evaluation, professional development and continuous improvement is essential.  With this in mind, NEAS continues to offer opportunities for members, education agents and the broader ELT community through our quality review activities, professional development program, the NEAS Conference and information sharing.

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Our Transformative Journey

NEAS has recently embarked on its own transformative journey and is inviting you to join us!

The team invite you to explore our transformed website,  The look and feel have improved with a colourful palette and user-friendly navigation features.  It’s now much easier to locate information on our quality assurance services, professional development and quality centres.  Fewer clicks means you can quickly find and register for our upcoming QLS workshops, NEAS Online Learning or Webinars.

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