Did you know that NEAS uses a variety of social media platforms to stay connected with the ELT community? We use our socials to broadcast relevant and useful information to our members and followers. Our posts include industry news items, information about upcoming webinars and professional development opportunities. Our latest posts link to a piece written by our CEO, highlighting the value of education agents and the weight of their impact on the ELT industry (which you can also view here).
We are approaching 1000 followers on each of our pages. If you haven’t yet connected with us, now is the time! There will be a prize for the 1000th follower of each page.
NEAS Endorsement News
NEAS Online Course Endorsement
Congratulations to RMIT University Vietnam on achieving NEAS Quality Endorsement of their online delivery. NEAS was particularly impressed with the centre’s highly organised, yet organic and reflective response to replacing face-to-face teaching with online delivery. There is increased provision for feedback from both teachers and students and high levels of support provided for students, for example through increased teacher 1-1 conferences with students, tutoring and advising sessions. High levels of support and training was also evident for teaching staff.
NEAS’ Quality Standards for online delivery emphasize that providers mindfully centre the student experience in everything they do, that learning and assessment procedures are suitable for online delivery, that learning resources and technology are appropriate and that online delivery is supported through integrated reporting systems. Several NEAS members have now had their online delivery models quality assured by NEAS – https://neas.org.au/quality-centres/quality-centres-online-provider/. If you are interested in Quality Endorsement of your online delivery, please complete the application form at https://neas.org.au/membership/fully-endorsed-membership/ or contact NEAS for more information.
NEAS Quality Centre Endorsement
NEAS is very pleased to announce the Quality Endorsement of TasTAFE. TasTAFE is the largest public provider of vocational education and training in Tasmania and runs a General English and an Academic English program out of its contemporary Hobart campus.
TasTAFE’s teachers are dedicated to their teaching practice and committed to ongoing professional development. There is more than adequate provision in place to support the well-being and welfare of students, and students studying at the Centre benefit from an onsite café, general support via TAFE Client Services and information and cultural services, a computer lab and plenty of self-access space and resources.
Endorsement of EIC Academy Endorsement
NEAS is pleased to announce the Quality Endorsement of EIC Academy, a transnational partner of UTS Insearch located in the city of Guangzhou, China. EIC Academy delivers the UTS Insearch Academic English program and offers students direct access to the INSEARCH pathway and diploma programs and other Australian institutions upon successful completion.
Management at EIC are qualified and experienced TESOL leaders and work collaboratively with the UTS Insearch Transnational English Manager to maintain the quality and consistency of the Academic English program’s delivery globally. Endorsement of EIC Academy represents the third transnational partner to be independently Quality Assured by NEAS and another step towards Quality Assurance of UTS Insearch’s entire transnational partner network.

NEAS Product and Service Endorsement
Endorsement of ReadyTech JR Plus
NEAS would like to congratulate ReadyTech on achieving NEAS Quality Endorsement of their product ‘JR Plus’, an International student management software for Pathways, ELICOS and CRICOS providers.
Their product is an all in one solution, eliminating multiple competing software and creating a solution for their client of exceptional quality. Research, analysis and state of the art software design demonstrates their high-quality solutions for clients. We would like to thank ReadyTech for joining us on this Product and Services Endorsement pilot and look forward to working with them at the 2021 NEAS Management Conference.
NEAS Quality Products and Services are high-quality products and services that benefit the ELT community. These products and services achieve the NEAS Quality Products and Services endorsement by providing demonstrated quality outcomes in the ELT community. Endorsed Quality Products and Services further distinguish themselves through an independent Quality Review and a demonstration of aspirational standards in innovation and best practice.
Have your product/service listed

NEAS Agent Endorsement
Endorsement of Hello Australia
Congratulations to Education Agency Hello Australia on achieving NEAS Quality Endorsement! Hello Australia is an Australian-registered agency and part of the Hello Study group founded in 2007. Hello Australia is a member of ISEAA and espouses to be the benchmark in international student recruitment, valuing excellence, respect, passion, customization, innovation and prosperity. NEAS was particularly impressed with the agency’s well-conceived code of conduct and ethics which is required to be signed by counsellors and staff, a comprehensive and visually appealing step-by-step student guide for studying in Australia and detailed counsellor information demonstrating the agency’s wealth of knowledge and experience in student recruitment.
Hello Australia is the third Education agency to complete the NEAS Endorsed Education Agent process; an initiative that aims to improve industry capacity, encourage best practice, deliver greater customer (student, parent and provider) satisfaction, and enhance the safety and experience students receive from undertaking their academic qualifications in Australia.
NEAS demonstrates its ELT sector leadership in quality assurance by supporting providers in their quality assurance processes, including those related to education agents. This year, we have launched NEAS’ Education Agent Endorsement, underpinned by a set of robust quality standards and based on our rigorous stakeholder feedback model of quality assurance.
Read more in our latest editorial
Nominate an Agent for Endorsement

Professional Development
A look to the future: AI’s place in education and language assessment
When: September 23
Where: Online
Artificial intelligence (AI) is part of our everyday lives and promises to become ubiquitous in our homes, schools and workplaces. How are we using AI in education and in particular in assessment? What benefits does it bring to students and teachers?
This webinar will look at how artificial intelligence is used in assessment. In particular how AI can help complete the circle of learning and assessment, giving immediate feedback to students to help make learning more efficient. We will also discuss the role of the teacher and how AI applications can free up teacher time for more meaningful interaction with their students.
We will look to the future to see what further potential AI has to support teaching and learning.
Malaysia Virtual Showcase 2020
When: September 29
Where: Online
In collaboration with Austrade, NEAS Australia presents a virtual showcase of Quality Assurance in English Language Teaching for senior executives, academics and school teachers from Language Institutes and Malaysian universities and schools interested in professional development, continuous ongoing quality improvements and innovative teaching techniques for English language.
Topics covered will include: Quality Assurance and Leadership in English Language Teaching, Standards in Online Delivery of English Language Teaching and Design and Delivery of Innovative Professional Development Programs for ELT professionals. This webinar is delivered by Dr Patrick Pheasant, CEO of NEAS Australia – Australia’s leading expert in Independent, Non-Governmental Quality Assurance of English Language Teaching. This webinar is suitable for senior management and teachers of NEAS endorsed ELT centres in Malaysia, those centres considering quality endorsement and Australia-based NEAS endorsed ELT centres who would like to build relationships with Malaysian offshore partners
ELT Professional highlight
We would like to highlight ELT professionals that complete parts of the NEAS Online Suite.
Our first one we would like to highlight is Jakki Postlethwaite who completed the NEAS Core Courses recently and the ELT Leadership Specialisation.

Jakki Postlethwaite works for Explore English.
She can be viewed on our ELT Professionals listing here.
We will look to highlight other professionals every NEAS news.