NEAS Congratulates the University of Queensland College (UQ College) on the endorsement of The International Diploma in Language Teaching Management IDLTM as an Online Product.
IDLTM is a seven-month postgraduate qualification designed for experienced ELT managers and prospective managers who are seeking practical management skills and relevant workplace understanding. This course is suitable for experienced professionals working in positions that include operational management responsibilities.
IDLTM was originally developed by the former Institute of Continuing and TESOL Education (ICTE) at the University of Queensland in collaboration with SIT Graduate Institute, USA and Cambridge English. Since its initial launch in 2001, various changes to the course have been instituted to ensure it remains current and able to meet the changing needs of academic managers over time.
In a recent response to the COVID-19 pandemic and following two major curriculum reviews, the course has developed through changes to material and training approaches and has been relaunched in a new entirely online format.
The new, online format incorporates recorded video input sessions for asynchronous viewing, coupled with live synchronous online sessions using, broadly, a flipped classroom approach in an innovative way to replace the previously face-to-face training room sessions. Initial feedback regarding this approach from participants in the first such group has been very positive. One student said ‘’ I’m getting enormous benefits from the IDLTM. It’s as engaging and varied in its interactions and modes of study as I’d hoped it would be, and it’s even more relevant and practical in relation to my work than I’d expected.”, another student commented: “what I’m learning is enlightening, applicable to my situation, and will continue to be useful as I progress in my career”.
February 2023