Virtual MoU Signing Ceremony between NEAS Australia and AUN

On 18 January 2023, Dr. Choltis Dhirathiti, ASEAN University Network (AUN) Executive Director and Dr. Patrick Pheasant, Chief Executive Officer of NEAS Australia (National ELT Accreditation Scheme Ltd.), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to advance towards effective enhancement of the process as well as the management of quality assurance (QA) of English Language Teaching (ELT).

The Signing Ceremony of the MoU between NEAS and AUN Secretariat took place through a virtual meeting. The MoU seeks to empower possible collaboration between NEAS and AUN as both parties will delve into QA activities and QA among ELT providers, as well as provide opportunities for the professional development of working staff to learn from one another and foster the exchange of best practices. The MoU is initially set to be in force for two years.

Currently, NEAS and AUN have initiated a potential project exclusively for the ASEAN University Network to explore and enhance the capabilities of English Language Teaching Units/Centers across the ASEAN region. This aims to ensure the active roles of university ELT Units/Centers that go beyond “English Teaching.” The initiatives cover more contemporary functions such as standardising English for research papers, English as a medium of instruction, English in the delivery of interdisciplinary courses, English pathways for international mobility programmes, etc. It will ultimately lead to the advancement of QA in English language learning. 

The MoU signing ceremony between NEAS and AUN was a momentous occasion as it marked the first official collaboration between AUN and Australia. This will signify the beginning of the growth of QA in English language learning and designate the direction to steer English language teaching communities forward.

02 February 2023

NEAS Professional Development Opportunity in February

Communities of Practice: Research in Quality Assurance

This COP is for ELT professionals who would like to learn more about research in ELT. This COP provides an overview of the benefits of engaging in research and provides participants with practical tasks to encourage and support engagement in research. Topics in this area include the continuum of research and the role of quality assurance. The NEAS Endorsed Master Practitioner badge is awarded to industry professionals who undertake an area of research of their own specialist interest.

When: Friday  10 February, 12:00 AEDT
Type: Webinar online
Registration: free


Industry Webinar Series: People Cert

PeopleCert delivers exams in more than 200 countries, in 25 languages, through its state-of-the-art assessment technology. It enables professionals to reach their full potential and realise their life ambitions through certifications and learning.

When: Friday  23 February, 15:30 AEDT
Type: Webinar online
Registration: free


The 2023 NEAS Professional Development schedule has been released – check it out here!

English Unlimited

English Unlimited (EU) and Australia Pacific College (APC) are owned by the same company, with Centres operating in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne.  

As an extension of its reaction to the COVID 19 lockdowns in 2020, when the Centre was able to move quickly to online delivery, EU is now delivering Certificate IV in Communicate TESOL online. With the Learning Management System (LMS): MOODLE as the preferred platform for the delivery of this course, EU has created a comprehensive and interactive course.  

The review of the Certificate IV in Communicative TESOL, conducted against the quality principles in Area H: Online Delivery, showed the extensive mapping of course content to curriculum and assessment in alignment with assessment outcomes. Students enrol as part of national online classes, combining students and teaching staff from Australia-wide. Students expressed their delight that “the classes are good and rich in content online, so I really like taking them at home and getting to study with people from all over Australia”. 

02 February 2023

Griffith University

NEAS congratulates Griffith University, School of Humanities and Social Science on completing a successful Quality Review of its Master in TESOL Course and the Quality Endorsement of its Graduate Certificate in TESOL. 

NEAS was particularly impressed with the attention given to course development and the quality of delivery. With both domestic and international students enrolled in these courses, the school provides students with ease of access to information pertaining to course subject information. Individual course information sheets paired with teacher support offer students the support material to foster self-directed learning.

The provision of constructive feedback is embedded in these courses and aims at enhancing student-to-student engagement in their learning experience. This is fostered by providing avenues of peer-to-peer feedback. 

Student support is highly regarded by the university and is made available to both domestic and international students through multiple channels. Academic support programs are offered to students who are continuing to enhance their English Language proficiency, while Griffith’s international student services provides ongoing support to international students through a number of programs. These were increased to include additional services during covid regulations.

Students undertaking TESOL courses at Griffith University benefit from access to conference information and job advertisements via a Griffith University TESOL Community Teams Site.

02 February 2023

Union Institute of Language

Congratulations to Union Institute of Language (UIL) on completing a Quality Review activity with NEAS! 

Union Institute of Language (UIL) returned to on-campus learning in April 2022 after ceasing to have on-campus students in December 2020. In the interim, online courses had been offered, but with extended support and learning time. UIL has long-term partnerships with international colleges globally, and school and tertiary institutes within Australia. In addition, UIL has established an agreement with public and many independent schools in Queensland to prepare their students for mainstream primary and high school. Destination schools receive regular reports from UIL on their students, including welfare and homestay reports.

UIL fosters an environment of care and support and provides students with activities to build confidence in engaging with the community and encourages the use of English. These activities include cultural, art, environment, sport, and library familiarity activities. The UIL programs offered are reviewed annually and informed by students’ results, as well as by feedback from receiving schools and colleges. Flexibility within the curriculum allows specialist teachers to focus on the needs of the current student cohort. 

January 2023

Shafston International College

NEAS Congratulates Shafston International College in Brisbane on completing a successful Quality Review Activity with NEAS! 

Located on the banks of the Brisbane River, Shafston Brisbane campus offers large garden areas and striking river views. The original Shafston House building has been refurbished and equipment modernised. On its entrance floor, the main reception area leads to facilities for students to mingle, the enrolments section and the student services section. There are also excellent areas for orientation, assessment and study space with novels. Due to the large facilities, Shafston English was able to provide face-to-face classes during the pandemic. Currently, the school is welcoming students into General English classes, IELTS and CAE Preparation classes, High School Preparation (HSP) and Primary School Preparation (PSP) classes.  

Shafston fosters a supportive and nurturing environment for international students and provides counselling services on campus. The safety and wellbeing of students under 18 are highly regarded and supported by management.

January 2023

Cambridge Assessment English

Congratulations to Cambridge Assessment English! 

NEAS is honoured to have assessed and endorsed C1 Advanced in the category of Quality Products and Services (Area K). The Quality Principles of Area K focus on these features of the target Product and Service: its underlying research; its fulfilment of purpose; its processes for maintaining quality; its uniqueness and innovation; and its contribution to the ELT community. See here for detailed information on Area K of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework. 

Cambridge C1 Advanced is a high stakes test approved by the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs as proof of English language ability for Student visa applications and other programs, including Temporary Graduate, Skilled, Former Resident, and Work and Holiday visas. C1 Advanced is also recognised as proof of high-level achievement in English by many employers, Higher Education Institutions and government departments around the world. Developed by Cambridge Assessment English, a not-for-profit department of the University of Cambridge, the exam is purpose designed to assess candidates at C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Formerly known as Cambridge English: Advanced – CAE, C1 Advanced is the result of over 30 years of academic research, trialling and the careful incorporation of feedback from all stakeholders. 

C1 Advanced test is globally renowned. The trialling of exam materials with a wide range of students helps ensure accuracy, fairness and appropriateness of content. Continuous collation of user feedback from around the world enhances further the test and its delivery. Cambridge Assessment English regularly reviews and develops the test, in line with stakeholder feedback and technological developments. The test provides candidates with certified results.

January 2023

Moreton Bay College

NEAS Congratulates Moreton Bay College International on completing the Quality Endorsement of their Pre-intermediate High School Preparation Course. 

Moreton Bay College International’s Intermediate-level High School Preparation Program was endorsed by NEAS in the middle of the 2022 academic year. Since then, the need for a pre-intermediate level program became noticeable. For the purpose of this endorsement, the College submitted a two-level, 20-week HSP Program including a newly created pre-intermediate level. The pre-intermediate level is suitably written and is consistent with the course endorsed earlier in 2022 to allow the enrolment of students with an English language proficiency of at least A2 CEFR. The course provides an integrated skills approach to language learning while drawing on a communicative teaching method. 

January 2023

Education First Brisbane

NEAS Congratulates EF Brisbane on completing a Quality Review activity with NEAS! 

EF Brisbane re-opened its doors in February 2022 and has since had an ongoing increase in student numbers. NEAS conducted a recent visit to EF Brisbane and was particularly impressed by the school’s collaborative and cheerful environment and management’s commitment to providing students with pastoral care and quality learning experience. The campus facilities are conducive to learning and provide a good space for students to mingle and relax with breakout spaces on every level and a deck area to access during breaks and for school celebrations. Throughout the College, there are bright, cheerful posters, advertising other EF colleges and showing local artwork.

December 2022

Charleston English

NEAS Congratulates Charleston English on completing a successful Quality Review Activity. 

Charleston English commenced in November 2019 and has bravely faced the effects of COVID-19. Currently, all classes are held face-to-face, and the college is offering General English courses. Charleston English is located in the centre of Brisbane city in close proximity to public transport and provides state of art facilities including spacious and well-equipped classrooms, computer labs and break-out areas. In a recent visit, NEAS was particularly impressed by the student learning atmosphere at Charleston English and the level of student engagement with teachers and managers.

December 2022