Endorsement News: Albright Institute of Business and Language

Congratulations to Albright Institute of Business and Language – Sydney on its successful completion of a Quality Review activity with NEAS, which confirms the Centre’s continued Quality Endorsement. A structured Management Meeting was conducted as part of an Onsite Visit by the assigned NEAS Quality Assessor. Management Meetings are integral to the ongoing Quality Review cycle. The review exercise covered core areas of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework and additional areas of significance for the Centre. 

Albright Sydney has relocated to levels 2 and 3, 10 Quay Street, Haymarket. The new campus is easily reached by public transport and offers state of the art facilities.

Catering to a healthy number of students from Latin America, Japan, Thailand, and Vietnam as well as from the subcontinent region, India and Pakistan, Albright Sydney is currently offering classes in the morning and the evening including General English classes from Beginner to Advanced,  EAP, IELTS and PTE courses.

Albright provides students with a thorough orientation and ongoing support. Extracurricular activities are regularly organised by the College to enhance the student experience outside the classroom. The National Academic Manager oversees academic matters across states and the role is supported by coordinators in each campus. Regular meetings with coordinators ensure consistency in delivery and processes.

May 2023

Endorsement News: John Paul International College (JPIC)

Congratulations to John Paul International College (JPIC) on completing a successful Quality Review activity with NEAS.

JPIC is the ELICOS section of John Paul College and is located within the school. Currently, students are enrolled in the International Primary Preparation Program and the High School Preparation course (HSPC). The HSPC program is well-designed and demonstrates a sound understanding of the knowledge and skills necessary for students to succeed in mainstream classes. 

JPIC students are given access to a diverse range of resources including access to a digital reading program, which includes a level library which is an excellent source for the younger students to progress their reading proficiency. Students reported that their teachers planned their lessons well and were satisfied with their courses and the extra-curricular support the College provided. 

JPIC’s teachers have the appropriate training and are all QCT registered. The teacher group commented that the mentoring and general support they receive is excellent. In addition, the results of the teacher survey were all positive, with one commenting: “I love working for this organisation because there is a real sense of community and collaboration (sharing resources, time and skills) around teaching and learning”.

JPIC places great importance on gathering feedback from stakeholders to better understand student needs, progress and attitude towards services. An innovative initiative aimed at strengthening the bond between the homestay community and the students is the establishment of a student homestay advisory group and a homestay family advisory group. 

May 2023

Endorsement News: Smart English

Congratulations to Smart English on its successful completion of a Quality Assurance Management Meeting, which confirms the Centre’s continued Quality Endorsement. A structured Management Meeting was conducted as part of an Onsite Visit by the assigned NEAS Quality Assessor. Management Meetings are integral to the ongoing Quality Review cycle. The review exercise covered core areas of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework and additional areas of significance for the Centre. 

Smart English caters for students predominantly from South America, with a smaller number of students coming from Asian countries, including Korea, Japan, Thailand, China and Taiwan. General English classes are offered in the morning and in the evening from Elementary to Advanced Level. The campus provides a welcoming atmosphere, and a friendly student services desk and teachers remain current in their methodologies via a professional development (PD) timetable, which is co-created with teachers to provide access to internal and external PD activities.

May 2023

NEAS Quality Assurance for Education Agents

NEAS Australia is a global leader in quality assurance for the English Language Teaching (ELT) sector and, as such, is widely recognised and respected. NEAS Australia has, for more than 30 years, demonstrated its commitment to professionalism, ethical practices, and high standards in assisting students with their education journey. As an independent body, NEAS continuously improves the Quality Assurance (QA) Framework based on industry-wide research and input. The NEAS standards for  Education Agents can be seen as a benchmark for QA in Australia and beyond. 

NEAS Quality Education Agents are checked and measured by both external and internal benchmarking mechanisms on reliability, credibility and quality through the NEAS Australia Quality Assurance Framework, thus proving their commitment to aspirational quality standards. The endorsement process is a thorough 360-degree evaluation of processes, documentation, staff and training, which can highlight areas for improvement and provide guidance for enhancing the overall quality of Education Agent services. 

NEAS Australia quality endorsed Education Agents are measured against Quality Area J of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework. To qualify for NEAS endorsement Education Agent must demonstrate

1.  an ethical framework that underpins the practices of the agency and its counsellors.

2.  the provision of information to stakeholders that is ethical, accurate and consistent.

3.    effective and transparent governance structures.

4.    a management that supports a performance development culture for counsellors and staff.

5.    that systematic risk management processes are in place.

NEAS Quality Agents are checked and measured by both external and internal benchmarking mechanisms on reliability, credibility and quality through the NEAS Australia Quality Assurance Framework, showing a commitment to aspirational quality standards.

May 2023

NEAS Communities of Practice

Communities of Practice (COPs) play a crucial role at NEAS Australia in fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and professional development among English language teaching (ELT) professionals. Some key reasons for their importance are:

1.     Expertise Development: COPs bring together individuals with diverse backgrounds and expertise. By sharing their experiences, resources, and innovative teaching techniques, members can enhance their skills and knowledge in ELT. This contributes to the overall professional development of educators and promotes excellence in teaching.

2.     Quality Assurance: NEAS Australia aims to uphold high standards in ELT. COPs provide a space for educators to discuss and align their practices with NEAS quality benchmarks. Through collective problem-solving and continuous improvement, community members can contribute to the refinement and enhancement of teaching methodologies, assessment practices, and program design.

3.     Networking and Collaboration: COPs facilitate networking and collaboration opportunities. Educators can connect with like-minded professionals, exchange ideas, and build partnerships. This collaborative environment allows for the creation of joint projects, research initiatives, and resource development, fostering innovation and advancing the field of ELT.

4.     Peer Support and Mentoring: COPs provide a supportive environment where educators can seek guidance, advice, and mentorship from their peers. This support network encourages professional growth, boosts morale, and helps educators navigate challenges in their teaching practice.

May 2023

NEAS Professional Development

NEAS PD programs are designed to provide ongoing training and support to ELT professionals, ensuring they stay updated with the latest methodologies, best practices, and advancements in the field. 

NEAS PD programs are developed in consultation with industry experts and offer a range of topics, including language teaching methodologies, assessment strategies, technology integration, and more. Participants can deepen their understanding of effective pedagogical approaches, exchange ideas with peers, and reflect on their teaching methods. NEAS PD caters for different levels of experience, allowing both novice and experienced ELT professionals to enhance their skills and knowledge, with the aim of improving student outcomes.

ELT professionals can also gain CPD points, which are a valued component of ongoing professional growth.

May 2023

NEAS QA Framework

The NEAS Quality Assurance (QA) Framework is a comprehensive system designed to ensure and enhance the quality of English Language Teaching (ELT) institutions, education agents, products and services and individuals. 

The NEAS QA Framework encompasses various elements, including curriculum design, teaching and learning practices, student support services, staff qualifications and professional development, student assessment procedures, and overall management and governance of ELT institutions. It sets out standards and benchmarks that institutions must meet to attain NEAS endorsement.

The framework involves a rigorous process of self-assessment, external evaluation, and ongoing monitoring. Institutions undergo regular QA activities to assess compliance with the NEAS standards and guidelines. The framework encourages continuous improvement and supports ELT providers in maintaining high-quality standards by offering feedback, guidance, and professional development opportunities.

NEAS endorsement signifies that an ELT institution, Education Agent or individual meets the required quality standards and provides assurance to students, agents, parents and other stakeholders. It promotes transparency, accountability, and best practices within the ELT sector, ultimately contributing to the overall quality of English language education in Australia and worldwide.

May 2023

Endorsement News – ELSIS

Congratulations to the English Language School in Sydney (ELSIS) on its successful completion of a Quality Assurance Management Meeting, which confirms the Centre’s continued Quality Endorsement.

A structured Management Meeting was conducted as part of an Onsite Visit by the assigned NEAS Quality Assessor. Management Meetings are integral to the ongoing Quality Review cycle. The review exercise covered core areas of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework and additional areas of significance for the Centre. ELSIS has been providing quality English language education for over 30 years and offers a range of courses, including General English, English for Academic Purposes, and Exam Preparation courses. With over 20 teachers employed across two shifts, the Centre has seen a rapid increase in enrolments from students around the world, including Colombia, Brazil, Thailand, Argentina, Korea, Japan, Spain, and Mongolia. Located in the heart of Sydney, ELSIS is dedicated to providing students with high-quality language education.

May 2023

Endorsement News – Academy of English

NEAS congratulates Academy of English for successfully completing a Quality Review Activity. 

Academy of English sits under the Academies Australasia Group, a listed company on the Australian Stock Exchange. Academy of English attracts students from a range of countries including Mongolia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Colombia. The college currently offers General English, EAP and IELTS classes in the morning and evening. Furthermore, students have the option to participate in self-study focused language support classes and practice testing. 

Teachers are allocated to classes based on their experience and qualifications and are supported with regular professional development. Teachers provide consistent feedback to students and students expressed their satisfaction with the way teachers gave feedback and made corrections during class. The students also appreciated the ease with which they can communicate with teachers and Academic Manager regarding concerns and complaints. Students also made positive comments about their experiences going on school excursions. 

Teaching staff strongly felt that they were actively involved in promoting the centre by helping to build its reputation. They spoke about the importance of “building a strong rapport with the students”, “performing our duties well as teachers” and “creating a sense of community for the students to belong to”.

May 2023

Endorsement News – UNSW College

NEAS congratulates UNSW College for becoming our latest Quality Endorsed Member. A division of the University of New South Wales (UNSW), UNSW College delivers preparatory courses to international students aspiring to attend university. UNSW College’s commitment to international and transnational education is evident in its pioneering efforts, including introducing the country’s inaugural Foundation Studies Program and establishing the first university language centre in Australia. Alongside this, UNSW College provides assessment and research services that assist educational institutions, governments, and organisations worldwide. NEAS is pleased to welcome back UNSW College, which first achieved NEAS Accreditation in 1991.

May 2023