University Preparation College

Congratulations to University Preparation College for completing a successful Quality Review activity.

“The University Preparation College (UPC) is located in Surry Hills, Sydney, and provides a welcoming and friendly student services desk. The Centre is easily accessible by public transport, with buses and train services located nearby. The location provides students with easy access to a range of amenities including cafes, restaurants and shops. Students come to UPC from Vietnam, Japan, Egypt, Hong Kong and the Philippines among other countries, and are currently enrolled in either a General English or an EAP class. The majority of students are on pathways to VET courses at UPC College. 

UPC offers a comprehensive range of resources to students, including self-study resources via Microsoft Teams and face-to-face support. After-class language-focus workshops, study skills sessions, and workshops aimed at acclimating students to life in Australia provide students with a holistic approach to student life. 

UPC conducts regular course evaluations, soliciting feedback from teachers and students each term. Teacher feedback informs the test validation sessions, while student feedback is used to improve courses and services.   

UPC places great emphasis on student attendance and progress and offers students at risk of falling below the 80% attendance threshold make up classes to help them stay on track with their studies.”

April 2023

Only 2 weeks to go!

It’s really getting exciting now – we only have fourteen days before it is the 2023 NEAS Management Conference week, and the NEAS team is beavering away behind the scenes to perfect the event details to make it your most enjoyable and fruitful conference experience yet. If you haven’t got your conference and Gala Dinner tickets yet, there are still a few left, so hurry and buy now!

So, what do we have lined up for you? 

As you know this year is different as the conference runs for three days with more than 70 presenters at two venues: UTS – 3 May and Doltone House – 4, 5 May. 

Day Two (4 May) features plenary speakers such as Ms Leigh Sales AM, Professor Tyrone Carlin, Dr Georgi Toma, Dr Choltis Dhrathiti and Mr Michael fay. But the international presence does not stop there! We are thrilled to share the news that we will have Councillor (Waskam) Emelda Davis from the City of Sydney Council formally opening the conference. Councillor Davis will be joined by five eminent colleagues, including High Commissioner Samson Vilvil Fare of the Vanuatu Government at the Gala Dinner on Thursday Evening. 

Day Three (5 May) will see a plethora of speakers, Communities of Practice and In Focus panel discussions – there will be three rooms open, running parallel programs and this smorgasbord of interesting topics provides something for everyone. To top it all off we are honoured to have His Excellency Vasyl Myroshnychenko wrap up our momentous conference with the Closing Plenary speech.

If you want more, then join the Day One extra, special, full-day Professional Academic Manager Training Workshop at UTS College, Ultimo, Sydney on Day One. This is targeted exclusively at new and aspiring Academic Managers and is worth 10 CPD points. There are just 25 places available, so if you are quick, you might just snaffle one of the last tickets!

NEAS Endorsement News

Congratulations to Whites Hill State College on completing a successful quality review activity!

Whites Hill State College is located in the picturesque eastern suburb of Brisbane. The College is situated in the leafy suburb of Camp Hill which is known for its tranquil residential streets and easy access to some of Brisbane’s most popular parks and natural reserves.  

The Centre is a welcoming space equipped with the necessary recourse and facilities to support learning. There is a large open planned area in the HSP unit building arranged in such a way as to provide an excellent space for students and teachers to interact. The classrooms are well furnished, and classes are given access to the College’s Science resources to enable simple experiments and enquiry-based learning.

White Hill State College’s High School Preparation Program is designed to provide students with a smooth transition to secondary school. Providing pathways into several Brisbane schools, students attend White Hill State College dressed in the uniform of their future school. 

Students in focus groups expressed their satisfaction with the school and the level of support they received. Teachers were described as “dedicated” and “all clearly explain things”. The provision of detailed curriculum documents with possible resources and a range of websites and hardcopy texts greatly assists teachers in meeting students’ needs.

Feedback from the staff was very favourable, both within the focus group and the NEAS survey.  Survey comments included that the Centre was continually working on ways to improve services to students and that the Centre was a positive, professional place to work as it was well-run. 

April 2023

NEAS Endorsement News

NEAS congratulates Discover English for completing a successful Quality Review Activity!

Discover English is part of the Academies Australasia Education Group and provides courses for international students in General English (Elementary to Advanced), English for Academic Purposes (EAP), IELTS Preparation, Excel English, Cambridge English B2, C1, C2 and Business English.

Situated in a prime Melbourne central city location, Discover English has attracted a healthy number of students since the return to campus after the COVID-19- Pandemic. The campus provides adequate study spaces for students and an extensive library. The atmosphere at Discover English is friendly and professional and students are provided with comprehensive student services to assist them during their time at the College. In focus group discussions, students praised the College’s ability to help them achieve their goals. 

Teachers at Discover English are appropriately qualified and are given opportunities to improve their skills and teaching range. A yearly professional development calendar demonstrates that regular internally and externally sourced PD for teachers is provided. Students reported feeling satisfied with their teachers. One student commented, “ the teachers are of a very high quality’, while at the same time being “fun and fantastic”.

April 2023

NEAS Endorsement News

Congratulations to IELTS on the endorsement of its Quality Product/Services!

IELTS, the International English Language Testing System, is a globally recognised language proficiency test designed to assess the English language skills of non-native speakers. Jointly developed by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia, and Cambridge Assessment English in 1989, IELTS has become one of the most widely accepted assessments in the world and earnt its reputation as the gold standard of English language testing. Over 11,000 organisations, including universities, immigration authorities, and employers in more than 140 countries, recognise IELTS scores.

NEAS is pleased to assess and endorse IELTS as a Quality Product/Services (Area K), in the category of Testing (High Stakes – Australia). The Quality Principles of Area K focus on these features of the target Product and Service: its underlying research; its fulfilment of purpose; its processes for maintaining quality; its uniqueness and innovation; and its contribution to the ELT community. Detailed information on Area K of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework can be referenced here:

Research underpins best practice test design associated with the IELTS brand. The quantity and quality of research undertaken and shared by the IELTS Partners with stakeholders has been impressive. IELTS investment in innovation is a standout feature of the current suite of resources available to test takers. The IDP IELTS practice application and the ability for candidates to retake subtests in a targeted skills area, so as to address a jagged profile, is of particular note. Item writing teams receive regular training and updates to ensure that test items are relevant, current, and align with IELTS latest research and product testing. IELTS coordinates a comprehensive teacher training program to ensure that candidates are prepared for current versions of the tests. IELTS maintains deep industry connections to establish ongoing currency and relevance in the ELT industry.

April 2023

This Week’s Ukraine Workshop Series Presenter

James McIntyre-Ure

James McIntryre-Ure is a Senior Educator at RMIT University Vietnam and he incorporates evidence-based positive psychology into learning, teaching and mentoring. By tapping into people’s values, he can help people discover their true potential, set meaningful goals and make long-lasting positive changes. He has a strong background in education and his work on well-being has been showcased globally.

The session in the Ukraine Workshop Series will explore how students and teachers can co-create a positive community and supportive learning environment. Support networks are key to developing well-being and resilience. It will provide effective coping strategies which acknowledge the various needs and emotions that arise during challenging times.  

April 2023

Conference Speaker Spotlight

Mr Iain Mathieson

Iain  is Senior Academic Manager for English Language Pathways at UQ College, the recently expanded pathway provider for the University of Queensland.

Iain has worked in TESOL over 25 years as a teacher, teacher trainer and manager in Australia, Europe, Asia and South America. Prior to working at UQ College, Iain was Director of Studies for 10 years at the Institute of Continuing and TESOL Education (ICTE) and oversaw ICTE’s pathway programs, teacher training programs, customised short courses and concurrent support for UQ students. He transferred to UQ College as part of the merger between UQ College and ICTE in 2021. At present his main areas of interest are direct entry programs, assessment, concurrent support and managing workplace change.

Iain will be speaking at the COP Workshop: Leadership in ELT on Friday, Session 5: 08:45 – 09:20

Ms Sharon Leslie

Sharon is the Director of English Language Program at Southern Cross University, Australia. She has worked for almost two decades in English language education and assessment in Australia. Before joining Southern Cross University in 2015, Sharon worked as an advisory visiting teacher for Education Queensland and as a teacher and manager in TAFE and ELICOS Colleges. Sharon also worked for eight years with QUT as an IELTS Examiner. She holds a Master of Education (TESOL), a Bachelor of Education (Honours) a Graduate Diploma of Education and a Bachelor of Arts (Applied Linguistics). Sharon’s research interests include language assessment, international student engagement, online learning and teacher professional development. The latter is the focus of her doctoral studies. Sharon is on the management committee of the Queensland Association of TESOL (Qatesol) and the Australian Council of TESOL Associations (ACTA).

Sharon will be speaking at the COP Workshop: Leadership in ELT on Friday in Session 5: 08:45 – 09:20 as well as the COP Workshop: Research in Quality Assurance in ELT on Friday in Session 6: 11:50 – 12:25.

March 2023

Conference Countdown – 3 weeks

We have just 3 working weeks before the opening of this year’s NEAS Management Conference and things are beginning to get exciting!

As usual we will be running the Media Booth competition where you will be asked to share your thoughts on film. This will be your chance to shine, and we know from previous years that competition is fierce and wholesome. Be sure to sign up for your filming slot on Thursday 4 or Friday 5 May with one of the NEAS team!

We will also have raffle prizes and this year’s prizes are exceptional with a Strategy & taxonomy badging workshop (valued at $6K)Apple Airpods, a Case of Champaign and a Wonder Stay Package for 2 days (one night) x 2 people at The Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai, Thailand (travel to Thailand not included).

March 2023

Speaker Spotlight

Jason West is the Convenor of the COP Workshop: Leadership in ELT.

He is Director of Studies at UTS College where he leads and manages the delivery of the Academic English curriculum, for both face to face, and live online teaching modes. In addition Jason also supports Academic Managers across the transnational partner network, based in China (EIC, SILC), (South) Korea (IEN), Vietnam (ACET), Myanmar (AEC) and the UTS College Sri Lanka who all deliver the UTS College’s English curriculum. Jason is focused on high quality outcomes and standardisation of delivery regardless of location.

Sophie O’Keefe is a speaker in the COP Workshop: Leadership in ELT.

She is the PD Manager at English Australia and as such her role is to drive the development of professional standards for English Australia Member Colleges and the ELICOS sector. She manages a range of specific projects including the English Australia Conference; the English Australia Journal; the English Australia Action Research in ELICOS Program; English Australia Special Interest Groups (SIGs); English Australia Guides to Best Practice in ELICOS and the English Australia Continuing Professional Development Program.

March 2023

Professional Academic Manager Training Workshop


Day ONE of the 2023 NEAS Management Conference on 3 May is shaping up to be a day of interaction, lively debate and the sharing of QA tips and tricks for new and aspiring Academic Managers. This workshop is worth 10 CPD points and will be held at at UTS College, Lvl 13, 235 Jones St, Broadway, Sydney.

If you are new to academic management or aspiring to become involved in academic management, this is the workshop for you! There are only 25 places available and registrations are selling fast! You can secure your spot here.

In Session 1 Rima Ibrahim, Education Manager from NEAS Australia will be facilitating the workshop: ABCs of Academic Management – NEAS Guidelines for Academic Managers. 

In Session 2 Daniel Yuen, Operations Manager from NEAS Australia will be facilitating the workshop: What is the difference between Manager and Leader? 

In Session 3 Peetra Lechte, Communications Manager from NEAS Australia will be facilitating this workshop: Empowering and engaging with teachers to navigate a digital world as their Academic Manager. 

In Session 4 Patrick Pheasant, CEO from NEAS Australia will be facilitating this workshop:Teacher or Artist? 

All workshops will include interactive dialogue and brainstorming activities to stimulate discussion and ideas, while exchanging guiding principles and strategies.

March 2023