Pearson PTE we congratulate you!

PTE Academic is a high stakes test accepted by the Australian, UK, and New Zealand governments for visa purposes. Australia’s Department of Home Affairs (DHA) accepts PTE Academic for all visa applications, including Permanent Residency, Employer-Sponsored/Work Visas, and Student Visas. There is also wide recognition of the test by Australian universities for study, as well as by professional associations and state government departments for work and migration. 

NEAS was pleased to assess and endorse PTE Academic in the category of Quality Products and Services (Area K). The Quality Principles of Area K focus on these features of the target Product and Service: its underlying research; its fulfilment of purpose; its processes for maintaining quality; its uniqueness and innovation; and its contribution to the ELT community. Detailed information on Area K of the NEAS Quality Assurance Framework can be referenced here:

PTE Academic has undergone rigorous construct validity from the inception of the test. Three main features stand out as examples of best practice in test design. First, a regime of item writer training to a standardised set of item specifications is clearly evident. In addition, a comprehensive, logically sequenced network diagram is deployed to ensure that a detailed quality assurance process is maintained before test items go live. Finally, initial pilot testing is carried out to compare test scores of native and non-native speakers, which further validate the test. In both approach and design, Pearson takes great care in guiding test users and candidates. In addition, the reliability of scoring in the speaking component (human versus machine) is well-informed. The inclusion of expansive data sets to inform machine scoring is impressive. PTE Academic exemplifies a high degree of efficiency in both design and implementation, ensuring a streamlined product for industry stakeholders. All elements of the test can be taken online, both in an official PTE test centre or remotely via online proctoring.

March 2023

Read all about it!

Both at home and globally, NEAS has been engaged in a plethora of activity on behalf of its valued members.

On the home front we have been deep-diving into our 2023 – 2026 Strategic Plan to be discussed further at this year’s NEAS Management Conference. Our Member Engagement Strategy was launched at the beginning of this year 2023 and has produced independent, informative insights into the ELT sector’s wellbeing and integrity. Some areas of good health and recommendations for further nourishment have been identified and NEAS’ response is underway.

Within our ELT community at home, the COPs are thriving, and the QA Standards are being upheld via fruitful discussion. Don’t forget that you too can get involved and become part of any of the COPs, which you will find on the NEAS website here.

In the lead up to the conference, the free Ukraine Workshop Series scheduled for 18 April 2023 is coming together and elements of the Workshop Series will be released from mid-March. This is part of a three-pronged engagement plan in support of Ukraine and we will be meeting the Ambassador of Ukraine, His Excellency Mr Vasyl Myroshnychenko there as well as at the NEAS Management Conference, where he will present the Closing Plenary.  

Overseas, our NEAS CEO, Dr Patrick Pheasant, conducted Management Meetings and Onsite Visits to the campuses of the Australian Centre for Education (ACE) in Cambodia, during a recent visit in February that also involved Dr Pheasant’s speaking engagement at the annual CamTESOL Conference. NEAS was the proud sponsor of this year’s CamTESOL Conference, which featured presentations by local and international experts, researchers and teachers of English.

Next week in Bangkok, Thailand Dr Pheasant will be presenting at the Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) Conference, which is being held in partnership with Mahidol University from 13-17 March 2023. At the conference delegates from around the world will share best practice and learn more about the innovative ways in which Asia Pacific universities are partnering across the region and with the world. Dr Pheasant will be presenting on behalf of NEAS together with AUN Secretariat Dr Choltis Dhirathiti and Mr Michael Faye from Asian Australian Education Dialogue (AAED). The theme of their presentation is Partnering with Purpose, chaired by Julie Wilkens McMahon, Regional Director (APAC),Times Higher Education, Australia.

March 2023

Congratulations to Australian Centre for Education (ACE) Cambodia!

An initiative of IDP Education, ACE has established its position as the premier provider of English Language Teaching (ELT) in Cambodia. Now operating six campuses (five in Phnom Penh and one in Siem Reap), ACE was the first ELT college in Cambodia to achieve NEAS Quality Endorsement. The Centres deliver a wide range of English language courses to students of different ages, from younger learners to adults. The campuses returned to face-to-face delivery at the start of 2022 and total enrolments have returned to 2019 figures. Approximately 25,000 students are currently enrolled, with some 70% being Under 18. The campuses benefit from active and effective marketing, as well as a strong social media presence. Drawing on 30 years of distinguished operations, ACE has established its reputation as a leading ELT provider in the country.

Congratulations to ACE on its continued growth and success!

March 2023

Conference Countdown – 7 weeks away!

NEAS Lifetime Member Award

With just seven weeks before the start of the 2023 NEAS Management Conference we are excited to throw this spotlight on the NEAS Lifetime Member Award.

The annual NEAS Management Conference sees the presentation of many different awards, but the most prestigious award is the NEAS Lifetime Member Award. Since its inauguration in 2019 there have been four, highly regarded recipients. They are NEAS members who have shown distinguished, meritorious, and sustained service to the ELT Sector and to NEAS and its Quality Endorsement and Assurance process in ELT. 

By popular demand we have extended this year’s Lifetime Award nomination period to 31 March 2023!

This award reflects the quality ideals that NEAS stands for and if you are thinking about nominating someone for this award, we would like to propose the following guidelines – they are by no means prescriptive, but that may help you nominate. 

For example, your nominee should have at least 15 years of English language teaching, leadership and contribution to the ELT community; a demonstrated impact (over time or distance) on building capacity, communication or advocacy by upholding the NEAS quality assurance standards; achieved something significant, such as a great outcome overcoming resistance or challenge while delivering great QA results; driven QA initiatives across multiple NEAS QA Areas, influencing significant cultural change; contributed to and/or delivered a legacy item for the ELT industry. 

Let’s not miss any silent achievers that we know of, in the nomination process! Legacy is one thing that you can’t buy but is important to many intellectuals and teachers who want to know that in the end ‘they made a difference’. 

To assist you in articulating reasons for your choice, you could start with: ”This life member has lived the NEAS values/standards by……”

To nominate your confidential suggestion for the Lifetime Award for 2023, please complete the attached JotForm and submit it by Friday 31 March 2023. Please note the NEAS Board makes the final decision on the recipient/s and all nominations remain in-confidence.

Remember, if you are coming in person, don’t forget to purchase your Gala Dinner tickets here, so that you can enjoy the entertainment, gourmet menu as well as the Awards Ceremony.

March 2023

Conference Countdown – 8 weeks and counting!

Speaker Spotlight – A Strong ASEAN Representation!

Our Speaker Spotlight this week throws the light on the International Panel of Leading Professionals. It is our great pleasure to remind you that  Dr Choltis Dhirathiti, the Executive Director of the AUN Secretariat who currently also lectures in Politics at the Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, will be presenting on The Importance of the ELT Profession in Bilateral Relations among Southeast Asian Nations and the Rest of the World at this year’s NEAS Management Conference at Doltone House, Darling Harbour, Sydney, 3 – 5 May. As an eminent speaker in this panel Dr Dhirathiti will be joined by Ms Pamela Arumynathan, a Senior Teacher at James Cook University, Singapore and currently completing a PhD in Education, and Dr Alexander Nanni, Associate Dean for International Affairs at Mahidol University International College (MUIC). Their discussion promises to provide professional insight into the ELT profession and the importance of global ties. 

With just eight weeks before the conference, our Australian members are starting to benefit from strong international ties in the ASEAN Region. 

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) University Network (AUN) Secretariat continues to collaborate with NEAS as the recognised QA body in the region. A number of ASEAN ELT centres are set to start engaging with Australia and NEAS, in Bangkok on 14 March 2023. While fostering bilateral opportunities in business for our Australian members and ELT centres in the region, this initiative will ensure high quality ELT delivery. As always, the NEAS Standards will be the backbone of all QA activity, and as ASEAN member centres become endorsed, they will become important additions to the NEAS network in a global ELT community. This benefits Australia in many ways, not least in terms of Australia’s global reach in its search for high-quality employees proficient in English. We are, together with you, building a truly Global Profession of English Language Teaching organisations and professionals.

Remember, if you are coming in person, don’t forget to purchase your Gala Dinner tickets here, so that you can enjoy the entertainment, gourmet menu as well as the Awards Ceremony.

February 2023

Australian NEAS members benefit from bilateral co-operation with ASEAN University Network Secretariat (AUN) 

AUN Secretariat – building strong ties in the ASEAN Region

NEAS, with foresight into the importance of international promotion in Quality Assurance (QA) has continued to nurture connections in the Southeast Asian region. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) University Network (AUN) Secretariat has collaborated with NEAS as a recognised QA body in the region, with a proposal that enables university ELT centres to be endorsed by NEAS. With a number of ASEAN ELT centres keen to engage with Australia and NEAS, this initiative will commence in Bangkok on 14 March 2023.

This AUN Secretariat initiative is particularly important to Australian NEAS members because it not only opens bilateral business opportunities, but ensures quality delivery of English language courses to students in the ASEAN region. NEAS recognises that good quality English language tuition is central to students’ career capital and that by possessing good English language proficiency, students’ job prospects can widen and lifestyles can be elevated. For Australia this also extends its global reach in the search for high-quality employees and bolsters healthy competition in the world of jobseekers.

Amazingly, this project coincides with the presence of Dr Choltis Dhirathiti, the Executive Director of the AUN Secretariat, who will be presenting on The Importance of the ELT Profession in Bilateral Relations among Southeast Asian Nations and the Rest of the World at this year’s NEAS Management Conference at Doltone House, Darling Harbour, Sydney, 3-5 May. The Closing Plenary speaker at the conference will be the Ambassador of Ukraine, His Excellency Mr Vasyl Myroshnychenko. The attendance of these two important diplomats will illuminate the preponderance of cultivating global ties in the English Language Teaching (ELT) sector.

February 2023

Australian NEAS members benefit from bilateral co-operation with Ukraine

Ukraine Workshop Series(Live Webinar): Tuesday 18 April, 9:00 am to 10:30 am (Ukraine time)/4:00 pm to 5:30 pm (Sydney time). Registration: FREE. CPD Points: 6

English is a powerful tool. Generally accepted as the lingua franca it connects people globally in business, socially and academically. It is common these days for students anywhere in the world to be studying their chosen subject via the vehicle that is English – their second, third and sometimes fourth language.

At NEAS, we have students and education at the core of our focus and, as an Australian Charity and independent, industry-led and expert Quality Assurance provider, we are enhancing bilateral relationships between English Language Centres all over the world. Our Australian members now have an opportunity to connect and create meaningful partnerships with the ELT community in Ukraine. The Ukraine Workshop Series is in support of displaced teachers and students and is aimed at helping maintain the quality of English language teaching during times of crisis, while increasing and strengthening ties between Australian NEAS members and their counterparts overseas. This workshop is for strategic ELT decision-makers and teaching professionals in Ukraine and Australia. The Ukraine Workshop Series coincides with this year’s NEAS Management Conference, where the Ukrainian Ambassador, His Excellency Mr. Vasyl Myroshnychenko will be the Closing Plenary speaker.   

The workshop in April will be centred around trauma-informed practice and teaching, maintaining student and teacher motivation and mental health, and building resilience. It will be an opportunity for sharing teaching and learning innovations and quality assurance activities of High Schools, Vocational Colleges, Universities, and English Language Centres, that are either operating in Australia or Ukraine. This workshop is in partnership with GoGlobal, which is an initiative of Global Office NGO aimed at promoting language learning and the volunteer movement in Ukraine. 

In the weeks leading up to this workshop, NEAS will release pre-recorded presentations addressing the themes with presentations from keynote speakers from both countries sharing their expertise and practical techniques and the live workshop will be held on Tuesday 18 April from 9:00 am to 10:30 am (Ukraine Time) 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm (Sydney Time). The workshop will feature a live virtual panel with panellists His Excellency Mr Vasyl Myroshnychenko, Ambassador of Ukraine to Australia and New Zealand; Dr. Patrick Pheasant, CEO NEAS Australia and Ms Liubov Zaliubovska-Head of Education at GoGlobal NGO.

Making it happen (left to right):
Ms Liubov Zaliubovska, Head of Education at GoGlobal NGO; Patrick Pheasant, CEO NEAS and His Excellency Mr Vasyl Myroshnychenko, Ambassador of Ukraine to Australia and New Zealand.

February 2023

Only 9 weeks until the 2023 NEAS Management Conference!

Speaker Spotlight

Sandra Pitronaci

Sandra Pitronaci is National Academic Director ELICOS & Pathways at ILSC Education Group and has been actively involved in COPs throughout her ELT career. Sandra is currently Convenor of English Australia AMSIG; Classroom Talk Editor of the English Australia Journal, Newsletter; Editor and Committee Member of IATEFL LAMSIG and one of a dedicated Admin team for the 2,000+ members #AusELT online COP. At ILSC, Sandra leads the team of DOSs across ILSC Australia’s four national campuses. Sandra will be co-presenting The Building of the ELT Profession at the NEAS 2023 Management Conference with Lucas Chiusoli on Friday 5 May at 13:50.

February 20 2023

2023 NEAS Management Conference Awards Announcement

We are thrilled to announce that this year at the 2023 NEAS Management Conference we will be presenting awards to more than 25 institutions! There will be two Award Ceremonies – one on Thursday afternoon, before the Cocktail Hour, and the other on Thursday evening during the Gala Dinner.

The first Awards Ceremony, sponsored by Learning Vault will be held on Thursday 4 May at 16:40 at Doltone House. Award categories are: Quality Provider Award – New Member (National and International); Quality Products & Services Award; Education Agent Award; Premium Product Award; Online Delivery Award and NEAS Master Practitioner Award.

The Gala Dinner special Awards Ceremony, starting at 18:00 will celebrate this year’s 

NEAS 25 Year Endorsement Award 

and the coveted

NEAS Lifetime Award 

For last year’s award recipients please see their names in lights here. Most excitingly, we are looking for YOUR nominations for the NEAS Lifetime Award. This prestigious award goes to the person who has shown distinguished, meritorious, and sustained service to the ELT Sector and to NEAS. To nominate the person who you think most suited to receive this award, you must be a Full or Associate NEAS member and the nominee cannot be a NEAS Board of staff member. 

To nominate, please complete the attached JotForm and submit it by Friday 3 March 2023. 

February 2023

Only 9 Weeks until the 2023 NEAS Management Conference

Speaker Spotlight

Toby Jones

Toby Jones is an education technologist and industry leader in the digitisation of learning. As Head of Education at Learning Vault – vocational education content provider and Australia’s first digital badging agency – Toby leads the strategic thinking and development of RTO courses, micro-credentials and digital credentials. Toby is a passionate commentator on the future of education and the potential application of emerging technologies. Toby will be speaking on behalf of Learning Vault in the Innovation and Strategy Session at this year’s 2023 NEAS Management Conference on Friday, 5 May at 12:30 in Park View 1 at Doltone House, Darling Harbour, Sydney.

February 2023