Melbourne Language Centre, Perth campus

NEAS wishes to congratulate Melbourne Language Centre, Perth campus, on achieving NEAS Quality Endorsement! Melbourne Language Centre (Perth) is part of the well-established Melbourne based conglomerate, Acknowledge Education that has been a NEAS member for more than 28 years. The Perth campus currently has both General English and EAP on scope and began delivering ELICOS in late September 2019 for mostly pathway students that were packaged with VET or HE courses.

Teachers and professional staff noted that the centre had provided excellent support for students during the COVID-19 pandemic, including surveying students in regard to the functionality of the platform, regular checking on their mental health and offering a food-bank to help support their cost of living during this time.

View all endorsed centres here.

Imagine Education Australia – QRV 2020

Congratulations to Imagine Education Australia for successfully completing their 2020 NEAS Quality Review. Imagine Education Australia has enjoyed a long association with NEAS, having achieved full accreditation of its Southport campus in 2007.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Imagine Education was delivering a full range of ELICOS courses, including General English, EAP, various test preparation courses as well as HSP. All students in the focus group agreed that the flexibility, empathy and genuine care shown by the team at Imagine Education during the COVID-19 pandemic was highly appreciated.

View all endorsed centres here

USQ College

NEAS congratulates USQ College for successfully completing their virtual Quality Review for 2020. ELICOS courses currently offered are General and Academic English, both of which the College continues to offer fully online.

NEAS commends USQ College in particular for its thorough provision and accessibility of student support services as well as its strong professional learning, development and staff enrichment processes.

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Melbourne City Institute of Education (MCIE) / Explore English

Congratulations to Melbourne City Institute of Education (MCIE) / Explore English on achieving NEAS Quality Endorsement of their provision of the Certificate IV in TESOL (10695NAT).

The course involves nine core units and a requisite elective unit “Use technology to assist ESL learning” which is highly relevant and industry informed. Stakeholder feedback about the course and the study experience with MCIE was very positive, describing the course as excellent preparation for worldwide teaching of English.

View all endorsed qualifications here

Explore English

Congratulations to Explore English on successfully completing their 2020 Quality Review. Explore English is an established ELICOS provider in downtown Melbourne offering General English, EAP, Test Preparation and Business English courses.

During this current pandemic the centre has become more than a place of study for language development. The centre has also become the welfare centre for both students and staff, and students were highly vocal during the focus group about their praise and support for all the staff at Explore English.

View all endorsed centres here

Sunshine Coast International College

Congratulations to Sunshine Coast International College on a positive NEAS Quality Review outcome for 2020. Sunshine Coast International College is an independent ELICOS provider based in the heart of Sydney. The college is currently running General English, EAP/IELTS and Cambridge CAE courses.

An overwhelming sense of community and student care came across in all meetings and focus groups conducted at Sunshine Coast International College, and student survey responses indicate a high degree of satisfaction with the level of support received, particularly during the coronavirus pandemic.

View all endorsed centres here

Endorsement of Oxford International English School’s Online Pre-Sessional English Course

We are pleased to announce the Endorsement of Oxford International English School’s Online Pre-Sessional English Course as a Quality Product / Service.

The course was designed to help selected university partners with the recruitment of international students and is offered over 6, 12 and 16 weeks. The course draws on a variety of teaching methods and can be co-branded with university partners. Enrolled students are also given access to the Oxford International VLE platform where they have access to a range of practical and engaging support material.”

View their listing here

NEAS Provides Feedback on Proposed ESOS Act Changes

Earlier this month, NEAS was pleased to provide a response to the Australian Government’s discussion paper on ‘Improving regulation of supplementary courses for overseas students’. The paper sought industry stakeholder feedback on changes proposed by the Government to the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act). NEAS canvassed both its Board of Directors and Advisory Council on the proposed changes, gaining valuable input across multiple institutions, diverse regional areas and professional backgrounds.

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